
Has the "no-yards" penalty ever been under re-consideration?

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I hate that rule, something needs to be done about it, in particular when the ball is bouncing. I think when the ball is in flight, no-yards is fine, but when it's bouncing, the kicking team can't always stay out of the way and it's not their fault. Has the CFL ever looked into changing that rule?




  1. Why change it?  It is the same for every team.It is only "dumb" when it catches your team for a penatly, right?  It is never "dumb" when it benefits your team.  The rule is there to prevent players from being laid out by a blind-side hit while trying to catch a ball.  The receiving team is to be allowed a chance to play the ball.

  2. i think cfl should change this rule to the way the nfl handles it, by a fair catch. if its bouncing and you touch it you take your own chances of getting crunched. i mean this is football not girl scouts. same with that rule of missing a field goal you get 1 point if its not taken out. you miss you should get 0. theese kickers are in a proffessional league to make kicks. just think game tied, your team on d-fence, need a 45 yarder to win game and all kicker has to do is kick it through end zone and not even make fg and they win game. stupid ending to such good games. rather have watched championship bowling win it comes to that.

  3. Much as we don't like it...the XFL used it with their halo around the receiver...the NFL is starting to enforce, more and more, interference with the catching of a kick as well...

    I agree with you on the "in flight" suggestion.  That would certainly be a much better rule.

  4. Yeah, I think it's kind of dumb. They just have it to "protect" the man receiving the kick. I never thought it was a good rule because, like you said, it's hard when the ball is bouncing around. I'm not sure if they have ever re-considered it, I know for a fact that they got rid of a similar rule in NCAA Football (American College Football) but I do not believe it has ever been re-considered for the CFL, it diffidently should though. Just make it like the NFL where you can make a fair catch, then there would be no problem at all.

  5. I like the no- yards rule. The alternative would be what? Fair catch? Now that's a rule that sucks.

    If players get caught for now yards it's because they are not paying attention, not because the rule is bad. No yards rule means that there is always a punt return, as long as the ball stays in bounds. Again, good rule if you ask me.

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