
Has the recent deaths of Heath Ledger, Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes prompted you to consider what's more important

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in life? Maybe you've experienced a recent loss of a family member or friend? Personally speaking, death places life's important things into prospective. It bothers me when people say "Death is a part of life." Those words sound so desensitized.




  1. Celebrity death doesn't do it for me but yeah, sometimes I sigh and wonder when the h**l I'm going to start living and stop merely surviving.You were a soldier in Iraq? How did you manage to come home? Were you injured or are you on leave or what? I've got a friend, a girl about 20, cute and talented as a painter and she's about to join the Marines and I told her that was a dumb move but she didn't listen.

    So that you know where I'm coming from I was in the Corps from 97 to 01 and I just mean that she's likely to get stuck in Iraq until she gets shot or something so her best bet in life is to stay here in the states.

  2. Yeah it has and it makes me realize that you have to live for today and do all you can, don't waste time on little things, and be open to different things. Because people are dying younger and younger. I don't want to have nothing to show for my life. Death is something we all will experience and I think when you don't fear death you can live a full life.

  3. Wow.. Kooties you were in Iraq?

    Yeah.. when my parents faced some major health problems, and some (not so close) family members died from preventable causes, I thought it would be a wake-up call for me to enjoy life.

    However, after awhile, routines developed again and then there's those old fears that pop again like how to surivive for the future, etc...

    Like to enjoy life, I felt I needed to experience more in life...

    Alot of the things I wanted and still want to do before I die require money.

    So then the routines develope again of saving money and then the whole wake-up-call thing just dulls itself out.

    ... yeah there's more to life than money, but you don't want to bury yourself into a hole just because you want to enjoy life before you die right?

    So right now I'm trying to give back more and I did the Breast Cancer walk and run in my city, raised some money, volunteered abit in hospitals and talked to some patients...

    Those experiences further puts things into perspective..


    Haha yeah.

    You're still a hero though!

  4. No-I just wonder if those deaths were all somehow connected.

  5. It's always so easy when it doesn't affect you directly; I was like that until I lost my Mom, then my whole world changed. No one knows how it feels until they experience first hand a close personal loss. I'm not desensitized any more. I feel it ALL.

  6. I agree.  When there is a death in the family you start thinking about becoming closer.

  7. No the deaths of people near and unknown or far and famous have never had that effect on me. What has had an affect on my life's priorities are the living and myself. The living on how they influence me and myself by the decisions I make.

  8. No i could care less! Why would i change my life when i did not know them?

  9. I already live everyday like it's the last I have.

    I don't personally know the people you listed, so I don't feel bad. But if my boyfriend or little sister died. Idk what I would do.

  10. I'll always remember them. always.

  11. You know, when a famous person passes it doesn't bother me much.  However, it really bothered me when Bernie Mac died.  I don' t care too much for vulgar comedy but there was something about him.  I really loved his show and the family theme that he promoted.  I am very disappointed about his death.  He was a man that brought himself out of poverty and took care of his family.  I think that he was a person that people could model themselves after in most ways.  I am just very disappointed.  It makes me think that  some kids will give up on a dream because someone told them it was dumb....and Bernie won't be on TV any more saying that is a load of c**p, if you dream it, believe it, become it, just like me...the Mac Daddy.  

    I also would like to thank you for your service to your country. You are truly a hero and will always be remembered

  12. People who say "Death is a part of life" would not say it if it hits home. I've recently lost my best friend who got hit by a car. She had a 2 month old boy and a husband, just got married half a year ago and "death is a part of life" does not come to mind when I think of that. But people need to stay positive that's why sometimes they joke about death.  

  13. I don't think the loss of a famous person really affects me much.  After all, someone is going to die today, why not one of them.  The thing that affects me is when someone close to me is battling a serious illness, or someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly.  It tears your world apart.

    There are things I want to do in my life, and I want them to happen soon.  I don't want to die with unfulfilled dreams and goals.

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