
Has the rising price of gas affected your mode of transportation?

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I am 16, and my parents make me pay for my own gas. My lifeguard's salary doesn't exactly cover a good full tank of gas, so I went out this past week, and bought myself a good bike. I now use it to get everywhere, and is great because it gets my workout in, and doesn't cost any money! (Besides the bottle of water that I bring along.)

Has the rising price of gas made you reconsider your mode of transportation?




  1. Sounds like your parents are raising a fine young man. Keep up the good work.

    I have a gas guzzler, SUV, so it stays parked in garage most of the time. Even with the E85 fuel @ 2.79 gal it's still not cheap to drive like I did. It maybe cheaper per gal but the mileage sucks. So its not worth it. If I need to go someplace I just take hubby to work and use his truck. That way we only use 1 vehicle. Saves alittle bit.  If we didn't live so far from every place I would get a bike. Hate those dam scooters being on roads...especially when the speed limit is 55 and they're going 30...

  2. no im still am american

  3. I am too far away from everything to use a bike and there is no bus near me. I have stopped driving as much. I go to the supermarket only once a week and have only gone other shopping twice in the last month. I combine trips when I have to make them and call my neighbors before I go to the grocery store to see if they need anything.

  4. Yes it affects everyone.  I was looking for a new car.  My wife and I decided a couple of months ago, when oil was only 110 a barrel, to get a Prius.  Everyday that oil climbs, I feel smarter.  Sure I would have liked a nice big spacey SUV, with all of the bells and whistles, but you have to be more realistic these days.

  5. i still drive, but only the required amounts. not a mile more than i need to. I wish i could use a bike, but where i need to get to everyday is 20 miles away and my city isnt exactly bike friendly.

  6. It has affected me..4.25 a gal..I work part time and was spending $25 for 10 days, then $25 for 7 days, $25 for 5 days, and now $30 for 5, soon I will be looking for a different job nearer where I live..

    I got a bike yesterday and bashed my knees today..ouch..still gonna ride it though..just not be so careless..haven't ridden a bike in several years, and I'm much older than you.....take care..

  7. I don't go many places except to work now, at least not far.  It costs to much to fill up my tank.  Almost double from when I got it a little over 2 years ago.  And to get to work, I have to drive.  It's not near any bus stops (I don't even know how to take the bus lol), it's pointless to take the taxi since it's just as much if not more than driving and no one I work with lives near me.  I'm only about a 10-15 min drive from work, so it's not to bad on gas.

  8. yep,now i might not go anywhere this summer :(

  9. yes i dont drive every where anymore,and i walk to most places now,and i will be buying a gas scooter its better on gas

  10. I still drive a car but I drive alot less.  My hubby and I don't go visit our parents as much, they all live at least 20 minutes away.

  11. yes

  12. I am glad to see a teen interested in asking this type of question.  Our transportation is still the same thing as we do most of our shopping out of the city since those stores are not that easy to get to. We do not drive as much and do not plan on traveling too far or really taking a vacation this summer.  We do go to the local parks here and will walk unless we happen to be out already.  Every time I need to go somewhere it makes me think about it and how much it will cost and can it wait until I can combine trips.   To be honest I have looked at the mopeds; but with two children that is not such a good idea even though they do use much less gas.

  13. yes most definitely!  I used to drive to the train to go to work, now I use public transportation to get to the train and find myself only going to the store once a week instead of multiple times.  Also, we are walking to more local stores instead of driving to the big chain-marts.


  15. yep. i too got a bike for work

  16. yes I don't drive as much

  17. No because it's 20 miles to work, and I am 60 yrs old, but my wife and I are even more careful about how we drive and make sure we consolidate as many errands into one trip as possible.  

    Slowing down saves a lot of fuel in the long run, as does making sure your air pressure is not low.

    I did use a bike back when I was stationed in Germany.  It is a great way to get around and, as you point out, you get the bonus of a workout.  It's even cheaper than taking the bus, and in some places, just as fast.

  18. I bus a lot more now

  19. I drive our car that requires premium less, just can't afford it so it stays garaged for now.  I have thought about getting a moped

  20. I'm trading my car in for an even smaller one. Right now I drive a 1992 Toyota Corolla and I'm trading it for a 1993 Honda Del Sol. They are SO tiny and get about 45 mpg.

  21. ;-) glad to see a young person taking some positive initiative on such a topic. I can't imagine what it must be like now for a teen (I too had to pay for my gas and part of the insurance as a teen) cause I know I wasn't making that much back then either.

    I am planning to not leave town this summer for much of anything. If I do and go to Boston or NY I will be taking the train, it's cheaper than the gas.

    I travel for work and my 'catchment' area has shrunk, due to lack of reimbursement for car expenses. And I no longer drive around friviously, when someone needs a ride...they need to pay for it.

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