
Has the social stigma about being overweight ended in Blue Collar America?

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I believe that one of the reasons there are so many fat people in lower middle class blue collar (working class) communities is no one really cares anymore. I visit my family in a small town in the South and nearly everyone is fat. If everyone is fat there is no social advantages to be skinny and in shape. People just assume that being fat is OK because there are few if any role models who are thin.

Do you believe one of the main reasons there are so many fat people in America is the loss of the social stigma against being overweight? (Especially in small town America)??




  1. I agree. People are far more invested in doing what they want to when they want to than having any self control whatsoever.

  2. First of all, weight is a class issue. A lot of people can't afford to join gyms, see nutritionists, have a personal trainer, etc. Their jobs probably don't offer a chance for a lot of exercise, or even walking. In a lot of areas, walking to work is looked down upon--people think the only reason that you are walking to work is that you can't afford a car, or worse, that you lost your driver's license.

    The social stigma is still there. But if people could lose weight just so they could be like everyone else, everyone would be thin. But a lot of personal issues override that, like eating because of depression (because you are poor), eating for  something to do (because you can't afford to go out) or just not being able to afford the finest, lowest fat, cuts of meat.

  3. I would imagine the bombardment of celebrity media we all seem to get will keep the stigma alive and well.

    In Europe the UK is the fattest nation (followed by Ireland) this is certainly the case here.  People are obsessed with weight issues.

    I definitely think obesity is an issue we as societies must take seriously.  Not for the vain self indulgent reasons portrayed by our media, but for the serious health risks which come with obesity.  

    While I don't agree with stigmatising people who are over weight I think normalising obesity is just as bad.

    The solution I think can only be found through restoring the balance in our diets and creating more opportunities for exercise.  

    Education is also a key factor.  It is a blight on all our societies (US, UK and Ireland) the group who are most likely to be obese are children.

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