
Has the stock market hit bottom yet?

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when do we you think the dow will see 9k this year?




  1. Obviously we won't know until it's too late.

    It's rare to get a good move in the summer, September is the worst month of the year, and October is crash month. Given that, I'm putting my money on a new low in the next few weeks or months. I would like to see a long decline until the election, which would set the stage for a big year-end rally. Historically the market hates the uncertainty before an election and there is a relief rally at the end of the election year. This rally could start before November if the market decides who the winner will be before the vote.

  2. I dont think it will hit 9k this year. But I dont think we're near the bottom yet.  Bush has trashed the economy.  July will likely be an up month after the worst June since the great depression, but dont be fooled.  America is going down the toilet over the next few years.  Nothing the next president can do about it, Bush has put us too far in debt.

  3. No.  There are three things affecting the stock market right now which are it's summer (low volume which creates wilder swings), a poor economy (actually great compared to the rest of the world) and an election year which causes people to pull their money and wait for an edge (supposedly Republican and Democratic presidents make different stocks go up and down more than if the other party was in power).  Economists say the economy will probably recover next year and of course January (a historically great month for bulls) and a new president will come on board and cause people to put money into those "party" stocks.

  4. prolly

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  6. I agree with none and gregory.  If Lehman goes down, watch out.  And, GM has enough cash to see them thru 2008.  After that, ???  Save any money you can.  Expect things to get more expensive.  No real good investments right now.  However, you might want to look into prosper (dot) com.  Good luck.

  7. wait till around October-November

    it also depends on the interest rates.  if they increase, it won't be good for stocks.  keeping the interest rates low help keep stock prices higher

  8. in my view mkt to bottom out at 12000.may be 300-500 points more.thats at that levels and u may get 20% return over 2 months.dont worry yaar.all this is cycle.those who can sustain can only stay in the stock mkt.dont think of 8000 range.ok............

  9. Not yet. It may go further down unless some sanity comes back to the sellers. Fluid political situation, rising crude prices and inflation adding to the woes. Buy scripts now with an aim to make money later.

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