
Has the time for "eviction defense squads" come again in the U.S.?

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Back during the 1930s depression, communists in the USA sponsored groups that would blockade houses and apartments in the cities, preventing eviction of owners or tenants. They would also attend forced auctions of foreclosed properties in rural areas – angry farmers with shotguns would make sure that bankers and other wealthy bottom-feeders wouldn’t bid on the foreclosed properties,and many people were able to buy their homes or farms back for a dollar.

These actions saved many people’s homes and livelihoods, and also got a hearing for leftist ideas from people who would otherwise have supported liberal or conservative political views. These people realized they owed these folks, and figured that the least they could do was hear them out.

With the current economic crisis, has the time for such measures come around again?

Would this rescue many people in trouble, AND revive a Left that has been increasingly dispirited by the success of the liberal and conservative con artists?




  1. So, you think it is a good idea to give people property that they didn't pay for. So, since the bank doesn't get the loan money back, and it does under. The FDIC is forced to bail them out, but because of the number of failed banks, the FDIC cannot survive. And the federal government is forced to come in, and borrow money to support the banks. And our national debt increases.

    All because you don't want to pay your mortgage payment.

  2. Hard working people are losing their homes, not dead beats, everyweek here in Calif., there are advertizements for forclosed homes for sale for only the taxes owed plus a mortage payment.  People who have been paying thousands of dollars a month for years on their homes are losing them, then someone else can buy the same house from the bank for afew hundred dollars, OUTRAGEOUS,  Yes the time has diffinately come and no I have never lost "MY"home to forclosure.  I feel so sorry for those who are losing theirs.

    Oh and by the way they are turning around and selling the property at a great loss.  They have made thousands in interest on those propertys already.

  3. I'm really surprised that this admin has got away with so much yet the american people just sit on their couches .Yes I think it's time for all of you guys to get out on the street aassert your democratic right to start a revolution.

  4. Yeah.

    Usually, the only time progress truly happens is when people get together and make it happen.

  5. Ah so you support deadbeats who will not pay their rent or their mortgages?

    Are you saying that the owners of the apartments or the people who lent the money do not have rights?

    All you are advocating is robbery.

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