
Has the weather changed any of your Labor Day plans?

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It's been raining here for two days but I wasn't doing anything but working anyway. Have a fabulous weekend everybody!!




  1. It was a little hot and humid today but my plan was to shampoo my carpets and that is what I did...Oh and I looked at some acreage I'm thinking about buying...15 acres cleared mostly with tree lines...Good deer huntin here in a couple of months Rango..I think I'll erect me a photographers tree stand ...= )

  2. nope nothing was ruined for me

    i had a great weekend

  3. i have no plans for today so i really dont care, im actually hoping it'll rain

  4. Its hott here. and i live in NY

  5. It's sunny where I live. We need some rain here!

  6. i havent been outside yet i went to sleep at 530 and just woke up

  7. Nah, I live in Houston... It's sunny... But my plans were just to chill inside and be on the Computer all day.. Lol...

  8. nope its gorgeous here but its hott which is very unuasual

  9. its sunny where i am

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