
Has there been a kimbo interview ever since that fight on CBS?

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im wondering what he has to say about the fight.....if he thinks he won or when his next fight is.......i know your going to say he sucks bla bla bla ...idC bout that im just wondering what he thinks about his performance




  1. Ferguson did a post-fight interview he did on CBS. Ferguson (of course) felt he won the fight, and admits that he has a lot of training and learning he still needs to do. He's done a lot of radio interviews since then, mainly talking about wanting to take on Brett Rogers after the two of them had words at Saturday night's post-fight press conference.

    EliteXC Live Events President Gary Shaw said that if both men want each other (and they do), they'll most likely set up a fight between them in October.

  2. Can that Ape talk?   Perhaps thats why no interviews.  

    Maybe viewings at the Zoo

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