
Has there been an attempt in recent years to revoke the voting abilities of the stupid and uneducated?

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I may be wrong, but I think I might have seen or heard some news once within the last 6 or 7 years about an attempt to ensure that the people voting actually had some knowledge about the laws they were voting for or against, (State level, possibly in CA), and also about the elected officials they were voting for or against, State and Federal.

Of course, the far Left's survival depends on the 'illiterati's' votes, so they called this attempt at improving our country 'Unsconstitutional' and not much was mentioned afterwards, as far as I can remember.

Now, I'm thinking this happened sometime around 2001 or 2002. Those years being very busy for me with the War and my introduction back into Society, so I didn't put too much attention to this. But I'm very interested to learn what has become of this effort and who is pushing for this reform if it in fact still is.

Any help would be nice, thanks in advance.




  1. Stupid is an insulting word.  Voting machines have been compromised by the people who own them, Republicans.

    There are fewer machines located in areas where people are uneducated, and the machines are rigged to vote for


    You don't have to live in an area populated with "stupid" people.  Just people who are ignorant that this is happening, and that's EVERYWHERE.

    In your world, everyone is STUPID.  Here's how it all happened in 2004

  2. Although I appreciate your immensely detailed and cohesive question/argument, I can assure you that no attempt has, or will ever be, made to deny idiots or illiterates the right to vote.

    I would also suggest that given the fact that since only about half of America actually excercises the right to vote, I believe it would be a far better use of resources to get all of those seemingly educated individuals to bother to put down their cell phones, leave their office meetings, and go to the voting booth.

    I work and socialize in very affluent and educated circles, and interestingly enough, many individuals I encounter do not vote.  They give a variety of reasons, however, at the end of the day, those who do not vote for change in our society are as much responsible for it as those who do.

    And education, class, race--it unfortunately has less to do with it than you would like to believe.

    All the best to you in this New Year,


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