
Has there ever been a church's chickens in seattle, in the southend on MLK?

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Has there ever been a church's chickens in seattle, in the southend on MLK?




  1. No, I do not eat that kind...I do my own. I hope you did not have a bad


  2. I'm not sure, but all I really remember about that area is that there is/was used to be a Filipno community center somewhere on or near MLK.  I once won a spelling bee there, but there are obviously lots of other buildings and I don't remember them.

    Sorry if that doesn't help.

  3. YES, in the 1980's there were several Church's all around the puget sound area  - like 20 or more (including at least 2 on MLK and/or Rainier Ave...I can't remember the exact locations though).

    They all closed down around 1988-1992 (the then-owner of popeyes bought churchs and closed down like 500 weak stores across the US).

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