
Has there ever been a fair debate over global warming/climate change?

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or a debate whatsoever, fair or not? ive heard a lot of scientists challenging the global warming perpetrators to a debate and i try to follow the ongoing bs behind the global warming scaremongers and their counterparts but i havent come across any record of a debate. are there any audio or video clips anywhere of such a debate? i would think such a debate would be instantly legendary but if it happened and the perps got shut down(like they would), i would understand the medias' surpressing of it. so where can i find the vid or audio file if it ever did go down? and whats the deal with "climate change"? its always changing. how the heck are we supposed to be responsible for nature? go ahead and talk all the c**p you want but if you arent gonna give me a link to a fair debate you should just go jump in a river somewhere and not waste anyones time. cya




  1. Calls for public debates are generally a tactic of those who lack real scientific evidence.  Creationist used that tactic against evolutionary biologists (where a charismatic skilled debater could look more informed than a boring, though highly intelligent scientist, lacking a debaters personality).  In a debate, sound-bites rule, and there's no time for fact-checking or correcting.

    Real science is accomplished through the forums of peer reviewed scientific journals and at scientific conferences.  The debates over global warming and climate change have been on-going in those forums for over 100 years.  Many papers have been published from all over the spectrum of ideas on climate change.

    Nonetheless, here's one debate I read recently (link is part way down the page):

    What I found most disappointing about the debate was that Dr. Gray (the skeptic position) referred to the list of Sen. Inhofe's "400 prominent scientists" as climate scientists.  When, in fact, most of them are economists, TV weathermen, and other non-climate scientists.  That means Dr. Gray has bought into a propaganda ploy and exaggerated it in even more. That doesn't say much for Dr. Gray's thoroughness of research.

  2. Sure.  It went on at scientific conferences for the last 30 years.

    But, with the accumulation of a mountain of scientific proof that global warming is real, and mostly caused by us, the scientific community has made up its' mind.

  3. There were several in the 1880's.  If your time is being wasted the only one wasting it is you.

  4. there is no global warming..

  5. scientists agree that CO2 slows down the transfer of heat out of the atmosphere, but don't agree that this will cause "catastrophic, runaway" warming. Don't let them confuse you with that bs.

          The human caused CO2 is a small part of the "greenhouse effect". If the media would present some facts, not just pictures of things melting and hysterical prognostications, then the public debate could begin. Few people are going to go to the trouble of finding the facts, they don't realise the cost of the proposed "solution" My idea is to present a few facts, and get people interested enough to search out some articles.

          CO2 is currently 380 parts per million of the atmosphere, this works out to 2 feet worth per mile of air. The alleged increase is about 6" worth. the data seems cherry picked by alarmists, some records show it to be much less.  they prefer the ice-core (indirect) data, to actual measurements made by scientists in the past.

           Water vapor varies. at a median value of 2%, this would work out to 105.6 feet per mile of this greenhouse gas. water also transfers heat by convection. it evaporates (absorbing heat), it rises, it condenses in the upper atmosphere (releasing heat). when it's warmer, it does more of this.

          Some will object that water vapor only rises about 30,000 feet, Maybe CO2 is a significant effect up there. but it's bitterly cold up there, and 2/3rd of the atmosphere is below 25,000 feet. - barometric pressure is 1/3rd of sea level , @25,000 feet.

          Climatologists don't claim that they've got it all worked out- someone might ask them to predict the weather

  6. Actually there has been less than fair debate through the press.  The press has given more time to a handful of oil paid naysayers than it has to the thousands of scientists confirming Global Warming.

    Quite frankly the river is wide open just for you.

  7. How did we warm up from the ice age? Did dinosouars ride around in monster trucks?

  8. You are not going to get a straight answer...  I cannot count the number of legitimate questions and answers that have been deleted simply because they cannot be explained by alarmists.  Their research is skewed, their reports are skewed and any debates with them are non-existent simply because it cannot pass any common sense test.

    As you see here, even a debate is considered a 'tactic' because to them it is 'proven' but... alas with no proof.

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