
Has there ever been a vote of no confidence as we have seen demonstrated against Gorden Brown's Labour?

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Is now time for a general election.?

The people are shouting and the message is clear




  1. Gordon doesn,t care if we have confidence in him or not. He has total contempt for the people he is meant to serve.

  2. Gordon Brown couldn't care less if we have no confidence in him, he got the job he wanted and he's prepared to stick it out until the end.  Has everyone 4gotten the Maggie Years she destroyed Britain, getting rid of all manufacturing.  She decimated the North closing down all the Mines, Pottery firms and Shelton Barr all of whom employed many many people. These people now only have retail to work in, how many shops can you possibly need?

    Back in the early 90's mortgage rates were at 15%, hospitals had the cleaning contracts put out to tender for the cheapest, hence MRSA but it seems people have 4gotten all of this. This all happened when the Tories were in power.  So goodness knows what further damage they would inflict if they ever got back in. They'd get Britain shut down!

  3. Yes the same happened with Maggie Thatcher.

  4. It was pretty much the same when John Major took over from Thatcher and a general election really won't make much difference because they are only puppets really and you never get to change the puppeteer.No matter who is in power you will still get crapped on.

  5. There has been NO ''No Confidence Motion'' in Parliament.

    Gordon Brown is the opposition's very best asset, so why should they seek to get rid.

    The knife in the back will come from the very people who are advising him; in some dark and damp corner, the ''slimy slugs'' are planning and plotting.

    Look for the one that says he/she doesn't want to be Prime Minister, that will be the one that orchestrates the dirty deed.

  6. The same happened after a long rule of Tory & this country was in a state.A far worse state than it is now.The ones that do not remember the Tory years then I feel sorry for you.They

    crucified the North.I for one will never forgive nor forget.If you think there for working people then your in for a surprise.

  7. Yep gotta agree with cisco do you honestly believe that by changing one lot of double talk for another is going to change anything i know it will not be so.

    The only way is something radical and the people of britain have no stomach for such things

  8. yes, now is the time,. we did not vote for Gorden Brown, so he should not be there.

    We should get him out ,with a vote of no confidence, but we must NOT allow the Tories back in. I am old enough to remember life (or survival) with Thatcher. I dont ever want to experience that again.

    She introduced privatization and  GREED into this country,since then we have lost all quality of work. Everything is massively priced and c**p quality.

    Our doctors , dentists and nurses either left the country, or changed their careers. We had a massive shortage of them, Blair brought in thousands of nurses from other countries to fill the gap, NHS dentists are back at last. Bring Tony Back,

  9. I can never remember a time where a Prime minister has been so reviled and hated in over 60years!

    Yet his fellow MPs say that they will still stick with him!It is like turkeys voting for Christmas!In this case!Can you see Labour MPs in marginal constituencies keeping the likes of Gordon Brown!After they have tasted the 'Sweet Life' of Parliamentary life living like leeches of the British taxpayer!I can see the political knives sharpened and glinting at the Labour Party Conference!

    Watch out for the Labour Party bribes?They have taxed us 'blind' over the last 10years until the our shoulders are sore!Now they are beginning to give us something back!

    Bribery will not get them back into power!We are up to their silly games!

  10. Yes it happened to James Callaghan in the 70s after "The Winter of Dicontent". It was Maggie Thatcher who instigated it.

  11. Interesting reply from Ollie.  Do you really think the Labour party are any better for the North than Maggie was?  Get your head out of the sand before it's too late.  If we don't get rid of Gordon Brown and his Labour party soon the country will take years to recover if it ever does.  There is another answer that doesn't involve the tories but I guess most people aren't brave enough to give the Libdems a chance.  I lived in a mining community during Maggies rule and wouldn't want to repeat those time either.

    People need to stand up and be counted, get rid of this government before they kill off everything good in this country.

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