
Has there ever been an injury at an Australian Rules Football game?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike a scrape or a bruise, even? I'm just wondering?




  1. of course it is a COLLISION sport, not just a contact sport. players can be taken out without even knowing it, unlike league or union. try justin koschtize's fractured skull or matt maguires broken leg this year. didnt hear about that happening in the NRL or union

  2. bill w i don't know where your from and i can see your taking the p#ss,but aussie rule has more injuries statistically and on average every year than rugby league and rugby union,and as im guessing your a rugby fan,AFL also has statistically heaps better crowd attendance-the majority of AUSSIES no which is the better game, don't we bill ?

  3. plenty. its a contact sport. broken bones, sprains you name it

    i believe our footy is one of the highest risk sports in this field because of the intensity of the contact. the only protection our players have are mouthguards.

    one of the games i worked at, a young bloke got knocked unconcious and died before they removed him from the field...  if you look up afl football in the news you can brobably find more reports on injuries

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