
Has there ever been one definitive point in time ........?

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that you can say was THE turning point ... when something just clicked & it tipped your world upside down ....?




  1. the moment i looked into my newborns eyes.

  2. yeaahhh when i realized that just cuz someone is part of ur family and related to u doesnt necessarily mean they will always be there for u and u can trust them with the stupid intensity i trusted my stupid cousin

    at that point i realized who really cared for me...and how my life would be without them : nothing

  3. Yes, it was the moment i met my husband. He has certainly turned my world upside down.  

  4. It goes back to the boat accident I had (mentioned in the previous question about lessons in life)...

    Major turning point in my life..............

    As well as meeting my fiance...made me look at my ambitions in an entirely different way....

  5. Yes there was a turning point in my life, when my oldest son was diagnosed with autism, it flips your world upside down all right...but you learn to take it day by day and struggle to make it through the next day without losing your senses. You also learn that some things in life are over-rated and you can be blessed even if you're at the end of your rope.

  6. Yes, when I read the Introduction of "The Alchemist"

    Here is a part from the introduction:

    Pursuing dreams:

    There are four obstacles.

    First, we are told from childhood onward that everything we want to do is impossible. We grew up with the idea, and it became so deeply buried in our soul, it became invisible.

    If we have the courage to disinter dreams, we are then faced by the second obstacle: love. We know what we want to do, but are afraid of hurting those around us by abandoning everything in order to pursue dream. However, we do not realised that love should be a stimulus, not an obstacle.

    The third obstacle: fear of defeats. We who fight for dreams suffer more when it doesn't work out. There is nothing to fall back on for we have staked everything on it. The secret of life though, is to fall seven times, and get up eight times.

    Then comes the last: fear of realizing the dreams we fought all our lives. The mere possibility of getting what we want fills the soul of the ordinary person with guilt. I've known of many people who, when their dreams were within grasp, went on to commit a series of stupid mistakes and never reach their goal, when it was only a step away.

    But is you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so hard to get, you understand why you are here.

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