
Has this ever happen to you on a train?

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Has a pervert ever touch you while you were on the subway train. If so what did you do about it?




  1. No.

    But I got goosed by a brakeman in tunnel 41 once...

  2. no but i have been flashed one the train. i just ignored him cause iw as getting off at the next stop.

  3. Yes! While on the Red line going towards Judiciary Square, a tall Latino grabbed me tightly while telling me how great of a couple we would make. I was so angry and disguised with that stranger. I didn't know him at all. I used my new umbrella to hit him upside his head until he got off of me. The other passengers were so surprised by the drama.

  4. make a big scene - so he won't try it again or ttravel in large groups

  5. no , but during rush hours , those guys will try to touch anyone and pretend that they dont mean it

  6. on BART someone came up and kissed me once and i started laughing. that was a weird moment.. but then again, every moment in SF is meant to be weird.

    my sister, however... was on the same platform and i followed her into the car (unbeknownst to her) sat down and closed her eyes about to go off to sleep.

    Not having seen her in a while, i sat down and kissed her checck.

    Well... not a wise idea to do to a butch L*****n everyone... because I've never had a black eye worse.

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