
Has this ever happened to any other married couple?

by Guest31956  |  earlier

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A wacko woman targeted husband for reasons known only to her. She did not make sexual advances or want a long-term relationship, but she did want to destroy the marriage. Seems as though she got her kicks attempting to destroy strong 40 yr. marriage. Not sure if she had hurt others as she only lived in the area one year or less. She lived and spoke in a fantasy world, never successful in coming between the married couple. The worse she was treated, rejected, humiliated, the more she threatened emotional blackmail and displayed outbursts to make his life a living h**l. She had no conscience and void of human emotions. Spouse became visibly very ill, lost weight, and attempts to make her go away failing. She is gone now and most likely onto another target. Anyone EVER heard of such out of control behavior and crazy mind games?




  1. This has never happened to me or my husband. It takes all kinds.

    I don't know how some people can sleep at night or look at themselves in the mirror.


  2. There are weirdos everywhere.

    You just have to know how to spot them and keep them at a safe distance.

  3. Yeah, but I was weak.  I gave into temptation and it cost me my marriage.  Tina, is that you??

  4. Sounds like that woman had some kind of mental deficit going on and she enjoyed making other peoples lives miserable too, like the old saying goes, misery loves company. I would guess she also enjoyed the thrill of the chase too, conquer and defeat, just be glad she's gone out of your lives. If I had to deal with that same situation I think I would have ended up making her crazy and she'd would have wanted to leave the area,LMAO!!!

  5. It doesn't seem like it would have just come out of nowhere.  Most likely he was into it at first, but then realized that she was a crazy stalker chick and freaked out.  Very strange indeed.

  6. This is the type of stuff that Lifetime network loves. If this ever happens again I suggest they get a restraining order to protect themselves.

  7. It sounds like she is mentally disturbed. Why didn't you take out a restraining order?

  8. There called psychotic stalkers

  9. These nuts are out there, of course. Not a lot of them, and they don't often have such an effect. Some have delusions that you can't even begin to guess, unless they articulate them, that motivate them. Now, delusions can be very powerful, completely real to the suffered, no matter how unlikely they seem to anyone else. The delusion often appears to be not so much the start of the thing as a concoction that is fed by some messed up need. Because the specific delusion is a response to something and not mere idle fantasy, the specifics of the delusion can change when it becomes impossible for even them to maintain or make use of. That means that when the delusion focuses on a person, if the person steadfastly refuses to play or is no longer available, the focus may shift to someone else. She apparently found your husband to be a satisfying target who responded dramatically by suffering and illness. I might have been that someone who refused to acknowledge the nut in any way might have resulted in her losing interest and switching. It's not necessarily that way. It's just one possibility. They can go on for years with their delusion in the face of overwhelming evidence that it's not real. They are quite clever, when confronted with facts suggesting they are delusional, at working around those facts.

    I can relate one I knew of in which a very talented young woman pianist formally announced her engagement to a well known international musician and proceeded through all the preparations for a wedding. The musician, however, had never heard of her and quite naturally reacted strongly when the news began to spread through his associates. She sort of mentally imploded and adopted other, very bizarre delusions and eventually just died of natural but undetermined cause.  

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