
Has this ever happened to you or yours&what caused it?

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Years ago son was lifted off the bed while asleep. I had to push him back down.He was 13. A psychic had lived in the house at one time.(but I didn't know it)(No, I wasn't asleep and didn't imagine it.) Actually, it didn't scare me. It should have, but didn't. I didn't tell him for years.




  1. yo, thats weird.....and No, it hasn't happened to me before.......

  2. Do you still have activity in your home? was this a isolated incident? Yes it is true that it was a strange thing to happen

  3. wow that's scary.  so your son didnt even feel anything at all when he was sleeping?  wow...

  4. Yup, every night of my life until I was about 21. I've crashed into the ceiling as I've woken up before, or smacked my head on the bottom of the top bunk. I've crashed back to bed as my sisters-who I was sharing a room with until I was 16- called my name or cried out in surprise at seeing me floating several inches or several feet off my bed.

    Other times, I've just floated back to my bed, like a leaf falling from a tree. It's interesting when it happens. I was never afraid, just annoyed, because I was usually sleeping very heavily and was angry at being woken up for what I felt was no reason at all.

  5. nope, never heard of a thing like that. maybe it was a halucination.

  6. I think it was any outside influence. I think your son levitated while asleep and that is why you weren't afraid. Has he had any other Paranormal Phenomena or spiritual experience in his life since then?

  7. it happpened to my ma.... it is caused by The Jinn (these are suppernatural beings that can possess people) all you have to do is say (In the Name of God) and it will stop, or just pray...

    Jinn may refer to:

    In english there are called Genies (some are good, some are bad)

    Genie, a supernatural being in Arabian  and in Islamic(English term for the Arabic جن (jinn))

    jinn here refers to demons according to the babylonian and assyrian, accadian and persian beliefs.

    In the Islamic tradition the word refers to beings made from smokeless fire. Like human beings they are given free will and both good and bad jinn exist, the most evil ones are entitled Shaitans or Demons.

    when i was 21, i had just fallen asleep and as quick as light i felt like a cat jumped on my chest and ran and i woke up and said in The Name of God and there was this red light shinning on my wall (that was coming from the other wall over my had, with no window to shine a light through) and then it disapeared....Trust me, pray

  8. No, that hasn't happened to me, and I don't believe it happened to you, either. No offense, but you probably just had a dream one night that your son was floating, and as you recollect it 5, 10, 20 or 30 years later, it's less and less clear to you if it was a dream or not. This is not uncommon. Memories of dreams and memories of real events grow indistinct over time and after some point the memories just aren't reliable.

  9. Yes, when I was a teenager my friends and I played "Light as a Feather as stiff as a board". We did it a lot and got very good at it.  One of my friends got where she could lay down on the ground and levitate a few inches off of the floor by herself without anyone chanting.

  10. Everyone who's in the state of pure thought will levitate.

    That is what happened to your son.

    That is not a gift, anybody who can purify the heart will levitate.

    As to how to purify the heart or thoughts, is not the topic here.

    This fenomena is quite common in my realm.

  11. No, this has never happened to us.

  12. I thought that only happened in movies.  I'd have to see that to believe it.

  13. thats a hard one to match. If something like that happened while I was around, I would be calling an exorcist. LOL really, I dont know what I would do. I have never seen anything like that.

  14. I have had "an experience" but not one that involved physical levitation. The one I experienced was employed through electromagnetic perturbation. While watching a music video that I had seen many times (and btw it was being watched on VHS so no outside tampering) when the colors on the screen started going weird as if a magnet or speaker coil were being held nearby. Then the music started to change from the familiar song that was being played, it was the same notes but certain notes were played too many times, some were skipped and some were out of key. When the editing came back to showing the lead guitarrist, he was accompanied by another character who stood behind him and controlled his hands. This would seem comical except that this other person filled the description of what I would call a demon (i.e. he looked man-ish with a drawn face but was red in color and had two to three inch horns coning from mid-crown area. Also the guitar players head was split in half at the time and the inside surfaces were mirror like rather than bloody flesh. At the time the music got really weird and the red-skinned man stared straight into my eyes at that time and seemed to be taunting me. He seemed to know every secret that I ever held from another man and ridiculed me for it.

    Regardless of if you believe me or not, I did have this experience and was not alone. My stepbrother was there at the time and saw something as well, though his description did not match mine - he saw some embodiments of his own grandfather who had been a bad person in the n**i regime. I do believe in supernatural forces, but I am unsure of whether they come from the outside or the inside though.

    My guess in your situation is that the psychic who lived in your house is not directly responsible, but perhaps has influenced or at least opened your mind. Work on keeping your thoughts positive, after all you have been given many gifts in life, your son being one of the best. We work best with our feet on the ground even if our heads are in the clouds. Take care of yourself and show your son love and the importance of responsibility and everything else will sort itself out for the better.

    Cheers :)


  15. Was this his spirit lifting and his physical being was still on the bed?  If so it's called astral projection some people are really good at it and it's nothing to panic about.  Just let him enjoy his out of body experiences.

  16. I wouldn't stress to much honestly he would probably look at you and laugh, or he would think your trying to scare him, when i was younger i always use to see things in shadows and stuff, and i thought i was nuts, now that I'm 19 when i bring it up in discussions i get laughed at so let it go. TRUST ME

  17. What do you suppose caused this?  Which is easier to believe, that the laws of the universe apply only to some people (and you are special) or that you perhaps are not remembering this event accurately?

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