
Has this ever happened to you???

by Guest21158  |  earlier

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well Friday in 5th grade, i had to go to the restroom really bad cause i had a lot of water so i waited some more but i couldnt help it untill the teacher told my to go up in the front of the class and write down a word problem i had to go so bad that i peed in front of the class and the teacher! everybody started laughing cuz the could see the wet spot on the floor and i was wearing light blue pants so they could see the wet spont in my front and back. so after the teacher took me to the nurse by hand (it gets worse) so the nurse didnt have anymore fresh underwear but she had goodnights so i had to wear that! When i went back to the classroom we started reading so i read under my desk but some stupid kid saw my diaper and told everyone in the grade! and every time i walked you could here the crunching sound of it! it was the most embarrassing day of my life!!!! (this happened Friday)




  1. I looked at all of your questions - you are obsessed with urine

    get a life

  2. sorry I'm not buying this story...get a hobby

  3. stop trolling... a 5th grader doesnt have punctuation skills that are that good...the whole thing sounds made up...

    naruto: if what you say is true, you couldnt be past the 2nd grade... get off of here.

  4. No, this never happened to me, but if I'd peed in front of anyone, I would have called my mom and gone home for the day, or, at the very least, had her bring a change of clothes/undies.

  5. I am appalled that that teacher and nurse would put you through the humiliation of wearing a diaper.  They should have called your parents and let you wait in the nurse's office until someone could bring you fresh clothes.  Then they should have let your parent decide whether to let you come home for the rest of the day.

  6. Oh sweetheart, that is horrible. I am a teacher & this is not procedure for an accident.  The teacher or nurse is to call your parents & let them know what has happened, your parents are to bring fresh clothes or take you home. I am sorry you had to go through this, speak to your teacher & your parents & let them know you are feeling very uncomfortable. They can help you to deal with all of this, don't go through this alone.

  7. well the good thing is its the end of the next year no one will even remember...

  8. no this has never happened to em and first they r soposed to call ur parents before they even attepmt to put more clothes on u, and "myfriendcallerrFM" i dont know if u just have a dumb child and doesnt knwo punctuation but these days there is a very strong emphasis on punctuation starting in the 4th grade

  9. If this is true - talk to your parents and sue the h**l out of the school.   These teachers/nurses should be ashamed.

  10. this happened to me in kindergarden...and I remember every little EMBARRASING detail.

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