
Has this every happened to you and do you know what to do if it does?

by  |  earlier

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You lay on the ground with your hands over your head. You do not try and shoo them away as this only annoys them more. They feel threatened as you are near to where they nest.

My own nightmare of an experience!




  1. Hasn't happened to me.  I've had them swoop down and steal a bag of chips right out of my hand while I was on the beach though.  No fear of humans....stupid seagulls.

  2. Simple.  Go somewhere else.

    You can move.  The nest can't.

    You already know you "annoy" them.  Why continue?

  3. Something odd about that; as kids we used to put fishing hooks in dead fish and throw them into the sea.  When the seagulls would pick up the dead fish we would have a hook on them.  Let them fly a little then pull the line and they'd drop out of the sky like a stone.

    oh how we laughed...

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