
Has this fledgling swallow been abandoned?

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This year the swallows built their nest in our dog kennel/shed. Five of the young fledged yesterday but the 6th baby just can't find it's way out of the entrance/exit which is down at ground level. The adults were in/out all morning/ sitting on the gutters outside etc trying to encourage the chick to leave the shed but this poor wee thing just kept flying around inside or perched inside on the window ledge (non opening window). The fledgling is now back in the nest but there has been no sign of the adult birds, or indeed the other fledglings, near the shed for almost 6 hours now and I just wonder when or if we intervene, if so, what do we do or will the parents return?






  1. The parents will usually continue to feed the last chick in the nest as well as the fledglings outside of the nest.  They should still be tending to this bird..but they may not come to feed often as now they have to feed the other babies as well, all scattered in different places.  You can watch continaullly to see if the parents are coming to may be missing their visits if you are not constantly watching.  Also, if you are too close, the parents may not come.

  2. Be patient. The parents will probably return. This is a case where you must let Nature take its course. It can be hard to do, but be patient.

  3. Well if the fledgling can fly, its time for it to be on its own anyways.  The parent birds will only abandon it if it is sick/dying.  It should be fine.

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