
Has this guy got the right idea?

by  |  earlier

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Read this link, what do you think could be done?




  1. Yes it can work if everyone contributes and the people who really needs help get it

  2. Yes but imposable. I would also like to point out his knowledge, AFRICA AND ETHIOPIA. This just shows how little people know about Afica.

  3. It is a fantastic idea, provided, everyone gets involved, and unfortunately, not all of us see it that way.

  4. Bad idea, UK's economy is falling fast - prices are rising all over in the U.K first sort out your own country until its stable then support the long term it will be a benifit to both the U.K and those in need of aid.

  5. No,not at all bad idea

    Somalia's a shining example of this poorly thought out ideaology.What would happen is armed gangs would attack aid organazations distributing this "gift" and they would use it to support their private wars and commit atrocities amongst the general population.

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