
Has this happen to you?

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You have a major test tomorrow and you plan on doing an all nighter to really prepare for the exam.. Turns out that not even half the night u feel very tired and are falling asleep. and go to be early...

Then on any other night u can stay up all night using the internet, myspace, yahoo... etc... get a very few hours of sleep and boom u feel fine...

Just a thought.. please share....




  1. yeah, i'll have like a presentation or something and i'll belike, ok i'm going to practice.  but then i get home and i'm tired and i figure that i'll just wing it the next day lol

    it usually works out okay tho'...

  2. has happened. It mostly likely that studying is booring compared to talking to friends, listening to music, playing games ect..

  3. Yeah.. I usually plan on staying up to study but either fall asleep or other things get in the way =X So I just cram a couple mins before class or if I have that class in the afternoon I'll study in the morning..

    As for the internet thing, yeah. I've stayed up all night talking to friends, and got like 2 hours of sleep and felt fine.

    Talking to friends is just more entertaining then studying. :D

  4. umm another plan, don't pull an all nighter. if you won't study, then just cram before class.

  5. Yep, happens to me a lot.

  6. Well, I only have had the first scenario, many times. I need my 9 hours of sleep >_<

  7. haha yeah ive done that before.. but just dont try n pull an all nighter to study.. bc most the time you wont end up doing it anyways! so just study before the test.. :]

  8. that's because you dont like studying so it comes boring some after time during night, but you like to spend time on internet. try something boring during a night, and you'll see that you'll fall asleep again.

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