
Has this happened to anyone?

by  |  earlier

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Im 5 weeks pregnant, I started bleeding Sunday night, bright blood, and cramps, so naturally I thought the worst, the Dr.s said(after a battery of very unpleasant test) that everything was OK. I have to go get a HCG test tomorrow just to make sure its going up. I just wondered has this happened to anyone?




  1. it happened to me and i asked for an internal scan, turned out i was misscarrying, :(

    however i had it again with this pregnancy and had another scan but everything was fine.

    hopefully you'll be ok ((hugs))


  2. No I have never had bleeding but did have a low HCG in once pregnancy. If the doc says things are fine I guess they are but I would seek a 2nd opinion. And if the bleeding gets worse to to the ER.  

  3. Yes, the very same thing happened to my wife early on in her pregnancy. We both panicked thinking something was wrong, but the doctor checked her out and said she was fine. She's now 5 months along and the baby is perfectly healthy... we find out the s*x next week :)

  4. No it never happen to  me but if the doc said everything is ok then don't worry too much. The bleeding happen sometimes during pregnany , does not mean something is wrong. just have faith, take your  prenatal pills and get your regular check ups and everything will be fine.

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