
Has this happened to others?

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I asked this question previously but asked it the wrong way I guess. I am a 20 year old female, 5'6" and 123 pounds. I am a very healthy eater, I excersize moderately and I've never had any serious health problems. I am on Celexa for Anxiety. Two times in three weeks I have passed out. Both times I hadn't eaten in about 24 hours because I'd been so busy. The first time, I was outside filming a commercial with my boyfriend and a friend when I started to feel a bit nauseaus and dizzy. I sat down and concentrated on my breathing which began to feel heavier and heavier, almost like my throat was closing. My eyes started to blur and I yelled for help. My boyfriend grabbed me and brought me onto the 4-wheeler to bring me to our apartment.

My eyes went pure white and my body was freezing. I could not see even my hand in front of my face but I could still hear things in and out. I could not walk up the stairs, I was limp - almost lifeless feeling. I got into the A/C'd apartment and I gasped for air, drank water and I was better. This all lasted about 15-20 minutes. Once I got my vision back, my muscles were tense and I had the worst migraine EVER.

Then, yesterday we were at a recording studio filming a music video when I realized the shortness of breath. I knew the feeling, so I tried to talk myself out of it. I started to feel like I was breathing hot air. I told my boyfriend we had to go outside - to see if that would help - it didn't. I felt dizzy once I stepped outside and my eyesight started to blur. I said "I have that feeling again." Immediately after that, my eyes rolled back, temperature dropped - I was FREEZING, pale and my lips were black and blue, and I passed out into his arms.

This time I had to be dragged down two sets of stairs and everything was BLACK, not white. I got downstairs where there was more room. My boyfriend placed me in front of a fan and bought me soda, gatorade and water. I gasped for air and it was like just being born - such a great feeling to be alive because this feels like fighting death. I had to sit for about an hour before my eyesight came back - I could not see a thing out of my right eye the whole time and I was still dizzy. Throughout this whole thing, again, my entire body/muscles were stiff and I got a serious migraine.

I didn't want medical attention because I knew it would pass, I am going to the doctor today. Please give me any insight - I am going to the doctor's today but still want some info. now if possible.

I was told it could be a Panic Attack, however:

Quite simply, fainting during a panic attack is highly uncommon due to the amount of blood that is being circulated. Your heart is usually beating fast and there is little worry that the brain would be short of fresh supply. The symptoms of dizziness often felt during a panic attack is caused by increased respiration, and while it may be confusing for the individual, it is harmless and does not lead to fainting. ******




  1. Maybe your blood sugar level dropped very low.

    Maybe you are not eating or drinking enough fluids.

    I am concerned because you said you had the worst migraine EVER.

    I'm glad you are taking care of yourself by going to the doctor.

    I hope you will be feeling better soon.  Good Luck.

  2. eat more food

  3. Yes, I'm glad you're seeing a doc, this can be something very serious. It's possible you could even have a tumor. Or is could be just as simple as you need to take care of yourself and this is your body's way of getting your attention.  

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