
Has this happened to you 1/4 tank of fuel in car tank holds 62 litres and put 62 litres into car to fill?

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is this another ripp off by caltex ova 100 bucks to fill my car from1/4 full how




  1. i'd say you either have a faulty fuel gauge or a crooked fill station. i would'nt be happy about either.

  2. There's a couple of reasons this can happen.

    First when the car is made and you get the original hand book it states the fuel guage only gives an approximate level reading to empty.

    Second it could be the station so you need to check it by going to another petrol station when the tank guage reads 1/4 and fill it up again and check the difference.

    Now the best way to check your tank capacity and gauge at the same time is

    Fill your tank until the pump makes the first cut off click then stop write down the amount of fuel put into the tank write the milage/kilometers down turn on the ignition and see where the petrol gauge needle is pointing (it might take several minutes or even a couple of kilometers to show full on the gauge)

    When you'v done this drive for say 1/2 a tank and refill your tank as before this will give you and idea as to how much fuel you have left in the car and how close your guage is AT HALF A TANK and also you will note the kilometers/ miles again and this (Is most accurate) will tell you how far HALF A TANK should take you.

    To confirm this you can do it again also to be more accurate buy a small jerry can fill it up with petrol fill your tank all the way to the first cut off click and then drive your car until it's empty (now to save problems) as the gauge gets close to empty when you feel the car's first start to hesitate it;s about to run out of fuel that's when you put the jerry can into the tank and check your milage/kilometers and gauge and dont forget to add the amount of fuel from the jerry can at your fill up then you will have a very good idea as to how much fuel your car uses

    The most accurate reading is your kilometers as guages are only a guide

    Hope tis info helps it might sound a bit complicated but its realy very easy and it gives the best results

    Good Luck

  3. It sounds like the petrol station is ripping you and other people off i saw a similar story on Today Tonight where a man put 85 litres in a Falcon wagon even though it's tank only held something like 79 litres. He went as far as confirming with Ford the tank capacity of a Falcon to see if he was being ripped off. So my advice is buy your petrol somewhere else and see if happens again.

  4. I know what you mean! I have a small-sized truck and whenever I've filled it up the pump has always stopped just short of 17 gallons (if it were almost completely empty). But then when the price of fuel went up just over 3$ I started noticing the pump reading OVER 17 gallons... but I have a 16 gallon tank. Hmmmm. This, by the way, has only happened to me at Exxon stations (not all, but 2 in particular).

    Maybe I'm just a complete buffoon in mechanics, but I'm pretty sure my gas tank has not grown.

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