
Has this happened to you before???

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My LMP was June 4th-9th (normal bleeding, 1st light then heavy and at the end light), Hubby and I TTC three times during this time, but since I have irregular periods I have no idea when I ovulated. I expected AF around July 7th-9th, but I got nothing, after 2 BFN HPT's and one BFN blood test done July 22nd (which was the reg serum blood test and not the HCG count), I assumed I wasn't preggers.

July 23rd I started cramping as if AF was gonna start, July 24th I started spotting very lightly not enough even for a pantyliner mainly reddish blood when I wiped, so I thought for sure AF would start, now July 27th it is still very light barely enough for a pantyliner and mostly just noticeable when I use the potty. I have slight cramping near ovaries as if I was on AF, but a little different because AF is normally heavier and lasts about 5-6days.

Have you experienced this before or have any idea or opinions as to what it could be?




  1. Have you heard of the "Maybe Baby"

    Try to get your hands on one if you want to get preggo.

    Good Luck

  2. I have had that happen to me before. I really thought that I was pregnant and I started spotting when I wiped as well and it went on like that for a 3 days and then stopped and got AF like 4 days after that. My periods are irregular as well...they usually last 7 days and very strong...well this month all i had were spots for 2 days and nothing until now 28 days later!

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