
Has this happened to you?? just need some stories or advise?

by Guest60240  |  earlier

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So my last period started june 27th. i had s*x on aug 6th 7th and 8th. on august 20th i went to the bathroom and when i wiped there was pink so i thought i started. but i didnt i think i spotted one more time that day then it was gone. Since then my b***s are sore and i have mild lower back pain. Well this morning i thought i started again its a little more than last time but i haven't even filled up a tampon and its been all day and usually i'm really heavy. oh and i took a hpt 3 days ago and it was negative...but i dont know i'm confused why my period is so light and why i spotted last week thats never happened to me.




  1. I am a CCMA

    If you are usually regular you would have ovulated around the week of the 10th it takes a while between fertilization and implantation so you would be too soon to test..Which is why the test came out neg..

    Pink spotting is implantation.. If it is RED it is a period..

    If you are not pregnant you should talk to your GYNO about being tested for PCOS as it does cause spotting and pregnancy symptoms

  2. never happened to me

  3. You can have spotting and bleeding when you're pregnant.  

  4. You very well could be. I have a girlfriend that spotted thru the whole pregnacy. It was like a very light period, it only did it a few days each month till she had the baby.

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