
Has this kind of deja vu ever happened to anyone out there?

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I get "normal" deja vu every once and a while like anyone else does but like 2 times a year I will get a totally different type of deja vu. The last time it happened I was at the gym on the eliptical machine and a commercial appeared on t.v. that started the deja vu experiance but then in my head I knew what was going to happen over like the next 10 seconds. I thought to myself "if I look to my right I will see a guy in a green shirt pick up his water bottle and take a drink". I looked to my right and this guy wearing a green shirt picked up his water bottle and took a drink. Right at that momment I start to feel extremely queezy and like I am going to pass out. I then thought, "now if I look at the t.v. there will be a commercial that comes on about tires". I looked at the t.v and a discount tire commercial came on. I had to sit down because I though I was going to pass out and then the deja vu ended and everything was normal.




  1. I'm no expert on these things..but what I thought of was this: Maybe you're having a dream about the future (premonition) ..but you're forgetting the dream/s until it happens...then you remember dreaming about it (only you don't realize it was a dream). As for the thing in the gym...I don't know if you'd call that a premonition or a psychic thing. I really don't know what the difference is. So that's just what came into my mind.

  2. i have definitely had that happen. theoretically  it is caused by synapse misfiring, where your brain receives a signal, and then the same signal right after, so somewhere you perceived looking at the guy already, but were still processing the second round of signals relating to what you were doing just before that

  3. Most deja vus are associated with memory problems. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep which would also explain why you got quesy when you worked out.

  4. This happens to me quiet a lot.

    I've even had vivid dreams of actions and conversations with people, and within a couple of days it happens.

    Same exact scenarios, same people, same conversations.

    I had read that doctors felt our brains were processing information really slowly, and as you witnessed the occurrences (like the guy in the green shirt), it came across as de je vue.

    Did that make sense?

  5. Sometimes the mind records memories in funny ways, and thats all that is going on. It sounds like you might want to be checked for epilepsy as this might be a form of epileptic seizure.

    You didnt really predict the future, but in your memory, you did. Just like with normal De Je Vue, you never saw the stuff before, you mind just records it differently so it confuses your brain.

    But seriously, you should talk to a doctor about your experience.

  6. wow thats kinda crazy. Im a varsity wrestler, and i get deja vu all the time when i land on my head or get hit under the chin.

  7. Yeah, this has happened to me too. Pretty weird.

  8. I had this happen just this morning, (and many other times) but this time I passed out cold and woke up on the floor. I don't think it's deja vu, as many people are saying. It's more than that right? I thought at first I was having seizures, but an EEG recorded normal brain activity (although I didn't have an episode during the test). For me it starts off as a deja vu-like experience except way more intense, l can't see anything except what's going on in my head. Then I get queezy, and have to sit down so I don't fall over. This moring I had an episode and I guess I blacked out because I woke up on the floor. If you keep getting them please sit down so you don't get hurt, I never thought I'd actually pass out but I was wrong. Good luck in finding out what's going on, I never have been able to...

  9. simple ..... dejavu is a brain reflects to the events happen with dreams...our mind is beautiful . it can predict the logic of some event or tragedy that occur.

  10. My husband has said he has that kind of deja vu where he'll just be doing something and its like everything goes into slow motion and he knows whats going to happen but it happens too quick for him to do anything.

  11. Even in a small community of people, we talk about this phenomena.  Not everyone will have it at the same time, but will tell someone who has also recently went through one.  Time traveling on the spot.  It is hard to explain the workings of the human mind.

    I had one just the other day.  I thought that I saw my brother.  He wore cloths that I knew.  But when I went to ask him the question again, he was not there.  Later I found the cloths he was wearing in my "Glitch"  They were folded up in the Laundry.

  12. yes and I knew i was gonna drop this book and i did so then instead of pikin it up i walked away... HAVE I KILLED THE FUTURE!!??

  13. Yes, I am with you, you swear you have been there before or done that it our past life coming back to remind us of something?????????

  14. It's a brain glitch where you remember something as it's happening.

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