
Has ur pet like ur dog ever died? if yes then how and how much time did it take u 2 get over it?

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my dog died today




  1. omg this is soo jack russell puppy got poisoned this morning and has eternal bleeding to the lungs...ive been crying since 11 this morning non - stop...he's not dead..but soo close!...i cnt believe it ... i feel soo depressed..!, dno if i wil evr get ovr it if he dies...

  2. It's tough,like loosing a relative. I feel closer to my dog than some of my relatives.

    You will not want to forget him, you shouldn't even try. Concentrate on good memories. It will get easier.

    I had to have a dog put to sleep and it's the hardest thing i've ever done.

  3. Secret, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your dog. Losing a dog, is like losing a member of the family, and it's really hard! I know how you feel! One of my Chihuahuas named Gigi, passed away from Liver Disease almost 3 weeks ago. She was only 2 years old!  She never gave me a hard time about anything, always obeyed me and loved everyone! I will never get over her loss. She suffered because of the fact that the vet, kept telling me that she would be ok and get better in time, if we kept up the treatments, and everytime she went downhill, on numerous occasions,  I would ask the vet if we should put her down, because I could not stand to see her suffer anymore. I would always ask the vet if she thought that Gigi had a chance and told her if she ever had any doubts about Gigi making it through the Liver Disease, to please tell me to put her down. Her response to me was always, that if we kept doing what we were doing, that it would take a few months, but that Gigi would survive and get back to normal.  She would always refuse to put her down, and tell me she wanted to try a new treatment. I spent thousands of dollars on vet visits, treatments, tests, special diets and medications, but the money did not matter at all to me, because Gigi meant the world to me, and I was going to do anything it took, to try and save her life. She was more than worth it! I loved her so very much and miss her terribly. The tears are still flowing and I feel they will never really stop! I was taking Gigi to the vet every week, for about 3 1/2 -4 months, never missed one week! Being that she was a vet, I trusted her, I listened to her and now I wish I wouldn't have, because there was absolutely no reason for Gigi to suffer as much as she did for as long as she did. I think the vet knew, that Gigi did not have a chance, but because now I feel, she was money hungry, she convinced me, that she would survive! I got her records and brought them to another vet to look at. According to this vet who has over 30 years experience, and what he saw as far as the diagnosis, treatments and medications that the first vet gave Gigi, everything was all wrong, and she would have still been alive and back to normal today, if she had been diagnosed properly,  and given the correct treatments and medications. I will be filing a lawsuit against the first vet, because as far as the new vet and I are concerned, she killed Gigi. My family is beyond boiling about this, and she is not going to get away with doing what she did to Gigi, and not have the opportunity to do this to anyone else's dog.  I cry for her all the time, I miss her so much, I am devastated, heartbroken and really fuming, about the vet and the way that Gigi was treated by this vet, who I had been going to for years, and never had any problems with in the past.  None of my dogs will ever see this vet again! I don't think that you ever really get over things like the death of a dog, I think you just adjust in time, to the idea of them not being around anymore, and you unfortunately have to learn to live with it. On Sunday August 10th, Gigi died in my arms! The only thing that I can hold onto now with Gigi, is the fact that she is no longer in pain, and I'm trying to remember all the happy, good times we had with her, while she was with us and healthy, but it's so hard, because all the flashbacks of her being sick and how she suffered, for no reason, will remain with me forever!

    R.I.P. Sweet Angel Gigi! I Love You and will NEVER forget you!

    This is Gigi, when she was a baby!

    This is Gigi, grown up and healthy!

  4. I lost my yorkie about a year and a half ago and I still have dreams about him and I still miss him SOOO SOOO SOO much. They become a part of your family so it's like losing a family member I was devastated.... still am actually.  I have a new dog and I still think of Buster(RIP).  He was the best there is no replacing him! Sorry about your lost!!!


  5. ...

    i still remember it now.

    i was 5 when he died, and we had the same birthday.

    i am currently 19 years old; it's like having a close friend die.  

    and just like a close friend, he'd want you to be over it and to have a better life.  

    grieving won't let you move on, and the more you grieve, the more you are set back.  setting yourself back isnt something a good friend of yours would want, right?

    you can never get over it, just pay respects on the appropriate times.

    good luck  

  6. you never do. may beautiful dog passed away 5 years ago. gee l miss here. what i would do to have here back.  the tears have stopped, i now think of the special memories we had with her. she was special.


  7. Since the loss is personal it takes each person a different amount of time.You don't wake up after 30 days and say "Well cool its over no more pain".Some times you simply move on but never really get over the loss.Some times you start to forget and then you see a dog who looks like or sounds like your old dog and it all comes flooding back.But since death is just another part of the circle of life it is a natural thing.Tilks Mom

  8. I'm sorry for your loss. Our old labrador died last year. She had been quite ill and we had to have her put to sleep. I cried my eyes out every night for about 2 weeks. It hurts, and you have to grieve because someone you love has gone. It doesn't matter whether that someone is  human or canine, you shared a bond and now that bond has been broken.

    The time needed to recover varies hugely from person to person. We have other dogs, and they did help cheer me up, but it wasn't until we got our new puppy that I really got over it. All our dogs are rescue dogs and there is something very healing about saving a dog from the pound. If you can, I would recommend you get another dog. IT helps, and you're giving a good loving home to a dog who otherwise may be destroyed. And in a way, it honours the memory of the pet you have lost.

    Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.  

  9. that is a very sensitive question.  If you were really close to you dog, it probably will take a lon time. My one aunt had a dog about 40 some years ago, and she still talks about him...just try and remember the fun you had with him/her.....

  10. I lost my Lab, Molly, to cancer on 1st Feb 2005, l am still not over my loss, i don't think you do ever fully get over it, but time does help to lessen the pain.

    This is my Molly...

  11. Newer!

    You do not get over it, you have to learn to get past it...And live on. Enjoy every moment you had togheter and realize just how lucky you are to have shared part of your life with this wonderful living being.  Most people do never experience the true unconditional love your dog will give you.  Therefore consider yourself one of the chosen ones!  Inportat!! celebrate life, not death. Your dog is your protecting angel and when you need her she will be there.  THe 1st year is the most intence, but your dog lived for your happyess and approval, therefore it is important that you live on in the same matter so she/he can rest in pease!!

  12. Yes, I had a doberman who's name was scamp.He died because he had a tumor. I cried for at least a month or so.

    I had a bunny who was carried away by an animal. I cried for 4-5 days.  

  13. That's so sad...

    Depends on how much you are attach to your dog....

    Sometimes for a days, weeks or even months

    Some people treat their dogs as their children so I think it may take years for them....

  14. mine died of old age (@ ~19yrs old), got him as a puppy.

    the pain will go once you get a new puppy.

    but I haven't forgotten him (now 20 years later)

    its tough, but you'll survive

  15. I am so sorry for your loss! Don't worry about getting over it right now. Take as long as you need to grieve. My Cat Gracie died 3 years ago and I still shed a tear now and then for her. I had her for 16 years and I wrote a poem for her while she was still alive and I turned it in and it was published. Don't worry about getting over it. Just go right ahead and grieve. We love our pets every bit as much as the people and other family members in our lives. Don't let anyone say to you that your beloved pet was"Just a dog."

  16. <--- This is Sassy.  She passed away on 7-29-07 It took a long time to get over losing her. I still have days when I will run across a picture or someone will bring her up in a conversation and it almost brings tears to my eyes.  Then I think of all the good times we had together and I feel better.

    The pain of losing your pet will lessen over time. Try to think of the good times you and your pet had together. Just know that your and your pet had a wonderful life together.

    I am sorry for the loss of your pet.  

  17. I am sorry your dog died.  I don't think I ever got over the loss of my dogs, I still miss them.

    I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.

    I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep.

    I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,

    "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

    I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea

    You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.

    I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.

    I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there.

    I walked with you towards the house as you fumbled for your key.

    I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said, "It's me."

    You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair

    I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.

    It's possible for me to be so near you every day

    To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

    You sat there very quietly, then smiled; I think you knew...

    In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

    The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning

    And say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,

    I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.

    I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.

    Be patient, live your journey out... then come home to be with me.

    ~Author Unknown~

  18. Cookie, my 14 1/2 yr. old BT went to doggie heaven 3 weeks ago. The 1st 2 weeks was the toughest for me emotionally. This week there was a crying spells has dramatically reduced. I still think of her & the good times we've had & the not-so-good times. Cookie was not just a pet, she was my friend who is always happy to see me when I come home. She follows me everywhere around the house. She will be missed and remembered for a long, long time.

  19. My dog, Blue, died just a little bit over a year ago.  I am still not over it.  I honestly think that no one really gets over any death of a loved on.  I think you can just eventually accept it, no matter how hard it is, and move on.  But "moving on" doesn't mean your going to stop remembering or loving that loved one.  I think it's a sign of your strength more than anything.

    By the way, my dog, Blue, died of heartworms and of an intestinal parisite.  There was a chance we could save him, which was a huge mistake on our part.  I wouldn't change how he died for the world.  Because if we had put him to sleep, then there would have been more of a chance of saving him.  But I still wish we had, but there's nothing I can do now.  I still cry, a lot, over him.

    You could plant something a put a plaque on it.  The plaque would say his name his birthdate and deathdate.  That way, when you look at that...well, we'll say'll always look back and remember him/her.  But it's also a sign that you can move on without forgetting.

    I am sorry for your loss.

    I want to add that Blue had been through a lot over the years.  His original owner was arrested for drugs when Blue was a puppy.  We found Blue, took him home (he "lived" in our neighborhood and my Dad made sure no one owned him), and gave him something he probably never had before.  Blue was our rescue, my life, and my world.  We gave him love.

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