
Has western society become more focused on money, good-looks, materials rather than values and good morals?

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Has western society become more focused on money, good-looks, materials rather than values and good morals?




  1. Well yes,just look at the divorce rate as evidence,we have sold our souls for instant gratification

  2. are you serious? look around you . we value money and material but you left out the number one corrupter of everything in this country  POWER. it drives the rest. morals like values are a social invention that vary from region to region not to mention country to country and they are bought and sold every day. power on the other hand is universal. it's forms may vary but the bottom line remains the same.

  3. Well, duh. You forgot obsessions with superficial, talentless celebrities

  4. Unfortunately, some people, especially our teens, are more likely to think celebrity, money, and material possession are how they choose who to look up to.

    I would like to believe most of us still value morals and values as a guide to a respectable life. Most of the people I know are very based in moral, spiritual, and ethical belief systems. Whether its religion, education, community, parenting, or basic morality, the majority of people are pretty evenly balanced.

    We do tend to have an obsession in our public right now with media see things on the news about Britney Spears or think Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana is one of the most influential people on the planet (Time magazine) but its more that we are watching for them to s***w up next. Like reality shows have twisted our own view of the so called "stars", and its sort of interesting to watch them fall. But I bet more people don't look to either of them as good moral character, honesty or respectfulness.

  5. Oh definitely. It just seems like to me, that the more power we have, the more money we have and the more modern technologies and conveniences we have the more morals take a back seat because you have so many people and things doing things for you that you don't need to depend on yourself or your morals anymore. Everyone wants the easy way out now, no matter how dirty it can get morally.

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