
Has what he did changed your view on Raj Persaud or is it irrelevant as a TV Psychiatrist?

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  1. No I always thought he was too conformist in an arena which is self-satisfied egotistical and brutalises. With the amount of status psychiatrists are given it couldn't be otherwise.

    Roll on changes in mental health.

  2. He has apologised for what he did and explained it wasn't intentional and I believe him. Almost all non-fiction is plagerised in some way and don't even ask 99% of University students if they have used other peoples work in doing their final theses.. you'd be shocked at the answer.

  3. Quote from article

    He claimed he was in a confused mental state at the time because of the pressure of juggling his NHS and media work.

    Brings a whole new meaning to Physician, Heal thyself.

  4. He has been proved to be dishonest and can no longer be relied on.  I think he should resign from his TV job at the very least.

  5. plagarism got me through uni

  6. Never really thought about it one way or the other....but as a supposed 'celebrity' it does not surprise me....anything for the money....

  7. My views have changed on Raj Persaud and rightly so. How dare he steal another persons work! For some one I respected as being credible, he has sunk as low as any human being can go; he is a disgrace.

  8. I think  he's come clean so to speak because of the back lash he might receive if he did not admit that he was plagiarising others information.

    He ought to have given a disclaimer stating that not all of what he said was his own work. Then people can make an informed choices as to whether to take his advice or not.

    Not sure that he has done anything too wrong as his off the cuff and impromptu advice holds a lot of credence. He also offers good sound knowledge in his own areas of expertise.

    However, I fear his career in the media will be tarnished just as that lady on This Morning's is due to recent the revelations about their lives in the public eye.

    You cannot try and pull the wool over the publics eye it just does not work anymore I pleased to say..

  9. the cheeky b*****d

  10. I never really took any notice of him - and I haven't seen him on a TV program since I was a student (about 13 years ago)

  11. What he has done is indicative of a lack of integrity and I can't be the only one wondering if he is applying a similar level of honesty to his patients, some of whom will be very vulnerable people.  In my view doctors of any discipline should be more principled than he has shown himself to be.

  12. No

    My reason is I quote


    Phil Hammond, writing in The Independent, "he can do what most consultants can't – translate medspeak into plain English".

    The above quote I have borrowed, and am sure he did the same form of borrowing.

    I feel the fellow Doctors are jealous of a British Born Doctor who does not look Brtish, to be so successful.

    If you analyse how well he has promoted psychiatry, helped Post Natal depression issue, and so many other, including his contribution to Whittington Hospital,

    Once he admits his error, allow him to punish himself, and let him face the people from he borrowed ( not stole ) their work, and get an agreement with them so that they can sort out their differences.

    Do you want to deprive the patients who have benefitted from his service?, do you want the Public to be denied T.V. and Radio talk from a person who talks their Language?

    I hope not.

    Let the listeners and viewers decide if they want to listen to him.

    Knee jerk Justice is not what we need.

    Be firm, yet understanding.

    Ask anyone , any doctor, who has not copied word for word in their presentation, ( very few would have not ),

    the new word for copying is a new thing.

    Ex President of R.C.O.G. too was alleged to have acted in a similar fashion.

    Use common sense is all I ask.Let God punish him, if you beleive in God, I am sure he will repent and give social service in return.


  13. Well, he's 100% more honest than that vile monstrosity Gillian McKeith, and she's still pedalling her self-indulgent lies all over the TV (with the slight change that she's no longer allowed to call herself 'doctor')

    I don't much care either way about Raj Persaud, but I do think he was an idiot. If he'd included the work and referenced it properly, no-one would have minded...

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