
Has women's rights movements contributed to the downfall of our society?

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Has it displaced males in their roles as providers? Is it the reason why we have such a high divorce rate in the USA? Has it helped to disinigrate family values?




  1. No.  I didn't realize our society had fallen.

  2. yes i agree, look at the death rates of men tsk tsk

  3. I don't really think so. Broken homes may result from narrow minded people who cant understand or get past the fact that women CAN be the breadwinners. There are simply some men who cannot let go of that ego thing- they cant stand a woman making more money than they do.

  4. Wow.  I completley disagree with this question and statement.  President Geroge W. Bush contributed to the downfall of our society and nation as a whole.  You have your facts wrong!!  You must have been raised by sheep or something.  Maybe in an orphanage to feel these feelings that you do.  Must be sad and lonely being you.

    If you have a you have any respect for her at all??

  5. No, No, NO.

    Whoever is spoon-feeding this mis-info to you needs to be DISCARDED from your life,

    The greatest ontribution to USA's downfall is from PARENTS----the ones who spoil their kid, the ones who don't supervise the kid, the ones who fire up a joint WITH them (yes...I DO know some).

    The Moms who say , "sure, they all get tattoos/piercings at 14." The ones who think a belly-button ring is not S****y.

    The Moms who let theit daughters go to school in clothes that SHOW more skin than is covered.

    I like being old-fashioned.  Even tho my kids are 20-something, they would never have dared to pull the c**p kids pull even 10 yrs later.

  6. wow this is such a great question!

    As a guy, obviously I hesitate to answer this because there will be those out there that judge my answer wiothout a fair read...

    BUT!  There really is no right answer to your question because there are two clear sides.   I would hope that NO ONE disagrees with the necessity for the women's rights movement, but the real question is did it go too far, or has it been blamed unfairly for other societal changes?

    In many places today, women (or men) staying home to raise their children is viewed as a sign of weakness, I dont think that this is fair or intended either, but it is there.  I also think that many of the things that are blamed on the womens' rights movement have little to nothing to do with it, like the necessity for a two income household which is a reflection of the drastic change in the economic structure in the past 40 years.

    So is it the downfall of society, ABSOLUTELY NOT, but have there been unplanned consequences of the movement, certainly there have.

  7. No it has raised society to a new level of equal opportunity.

    Tribal thinking societies still has a long row to hoe

  8. No, males are secure in their roles even though a lot would like to turn it over to women so that you can suffer with it for a while. Women's rights have caused no ill affects. Political Corecteness is destroying the whole country though.

  9. gee I guess you right...ok girls no more voting, driving, equal pay for jobs, no working after kids...back to the kitchen!

    (serious sarcasm and a pinch of kiss my ya......)

  10. I believe when families of any sort have few resources, things do not get fixed.  I think women's rights are not the problem, but having a tv as a babysitter is a BIG problem.     Families have less time together and less income.  Corporate skinflints and manipulators are the problem.   We are returning to the days, regressing, before Samuel Gompers.  Corporate leavers have made US citizens compete with China and you know that will be a fight we will never win.  

    I have some friends that work between 45 to 70 hours a week and they say just to make sure they won't lose their jobs , they have to.   And you know good old overtime exempt means they only get their salary.

    This culture and our rights have been steadily denigrated since the great "communicator" Reagan started to scale down rights, with the firing of PATCO, he  started the downward spiral that the incompetent Bushes have finished

  11. Yes. If we look at Western culture today the quality of life is nowhere near what it could be. People are not happy despite being materially better off, and a large part of this is because they are dissatisfied - especially women. The feminist movement has encouraged women to despise men, and told women they deserve to 'have it all'. Now women find that men just aren't good enough for them any more, and women find it impossible to achieve the 'work/life balance'. Because there are more unhappy single women, there are more unhappy single men or couples in unhappy partnerships/marriages.

    Has it displaced males in their roles as providers?

    Of course. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is if women take the attitude that because they have their own income that they just don't need men any more.

    Is it the reason why we have such a high divorce rate in the USA?

    The dissatisfaction, unrealistic expectations and stressful lifestyle bred by feminism has a lot to do with unhappy marriages and the high divorce rate.

    Has it helped to disinigrate family values?

    Yes. Many feminists like to deny this, but breaking up the 'patriarchal' family unit was one of the goals of feminism.

    When I have expressed these views in the past a typical reaction from feminists has been 'Oh sure, you just blame feminism for all the ills of the world'. And my answer is the same: 'Lets face it - the effect of the feminist movement has been immense, as it was intended to be'. The feminist movement is probably a good example of 'be careful what you wish for'.

  12. We have a high divorce rate because men and women are just not content - with themselves and each other.

    Divorce happens due to:

    1) too much money

    2) not enough money

    3) one spouse likes to have s*x with others

    4) either partner is too self-absorbed/selfish for a sincere marriage

    5) either partner is not truly sincere.

    *NOTHING... brings about a happy home like sincerity and contentment.

  13. No.  Correlation is not causation, as the case of Saudi Arabia illustrates:

    “The high number of forced marriages in Saudi Arabia is believed to be a factor in the country's steep divorce rate.

    According to Saudi media, about half of marriages in the country end in divorce, the Associated Press news agency reported.

    The ban is a significant victory for women's rights in Saudi Arabia, where females face a range of restrictions.”

    ‘Saudi Arabia bans forced marriage’

    Add to that

    - the divorce rate is down in the USA

    - people whose first marriage is in their 30's almost never divorce.  By contrast, teens who marry almost always divorce.

    So the answer to your histrionic question is obviously 'no'.

  14. Divorce rates are at their highest in red states, where "family values" are all-important and feminism is far less prevalent. Besides which, divorce rates overall are currently as low as they were in the 70's. Men don't need to be providers anymore. If they have a problem with not being providers, they should have married a woman who feels the same way.

  15. No, no, no, no....The economy has displaced males as providers, employers just don't pay them enough to support a family.  I know a lot of older women who wished they could have gotten divorced and spent their entire lives in loveless miserable marriages.

  16. Well it sure did aid a bunch of good and VERY bad movements and events.

    Personally I believe that women's rights have become VERY sexist against men, and right now it does more bad than good.

    But in the times of before, it did great things.

  17. If you are looking at it from a patriarchal view, yes, the women's rights movement has contributed to the downfall of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Male Society, but another more accepting and nurturing society is to follow.

    Since when does the typical male who excludes everyone who isn't like him appreciate family values?

    Do some reading.

  18. Humans have claimed society was heading to h**l in a hand basket since the dawn of civilization. I personally think we're doing no better or no worse than we used to.

    Anyway, divorce didn't sky rocket because of a "disintegration of values." Divorce sky rocketed because it was made legal/easier to obtain one. It's not that people in the past were more dedicated to their spouses, it's just that they couldn't legally obtain one, or it was very very difficult for them to obtain one, so no one bothered.

    But to counter your argument, teen pregnancy , abortion, and drug abuse rates are at an all time low, and fathers are spending more time with their children than ever. The divorce rate is actually going down as well.

  19. Hmmm......  What a great question to ponder.

    EDIT:  LOL wow lets bring George Bush into this completely unrelated discussion.

  20. I think most people have it better now than they did fifty years ago! :-)

  21. No it hasn't.  What has elevated the issues you bring up is a lack of faith in God and the immorality on tv.

  22. I strongly disagree with that statement.

    If you seriously think that by letting women have the right to vote.. have the RIGHT to be anything other than a stay at home mother...get an education..or be the equal of a are delusional

  23. No. It is because marriage is a social construct, just like the patriarchy. Everlasting love is good but no guarantee. Some centuries ago people usually stayed married for their whole life because one of the partners (the man) had the power in the relationship and was the dominant part. Marriage was much more of a guarantee before because it was frowned upon to divorce and it wasn't that easy either. I would say that feminism has strengthened our society. We live much better, longer, healthier and wiser now than we did 100 years ago.

  24. Contributed? Yes.  Caused?  Far from.

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