
Has you ever asked a question and got a creepy/ mean answer?

by  |  earlier

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I just asked a question in country music. Some girl responded saying. I cant wait to see you when you come down here....ahaha. Then put "yr a dork" under references. Im confused and a bit creeped out by her comment when you come down here (for personal reasons). Iv never seen or even known about this person a day in my life! It was just completely crazy and disturbing.

So, i would like to know if you ever had some one answer your question with some crazy, senseless, mean, or creepy response. What did they say? How did you handel it?





  1. It is called a troll and you can block that person, they are all over this place.  Don't dwell on it....


  2. Yeah had one guy that threatened to shoot me in an e-mail.

    I just blocked him.

    This forum in someways is like a telephone or letters. Lots of people are the big hero, tuff guy hiding behind a computer.

    Just laugh at them. Don,t respond to them because then they know they have hit a nerve and then the bullying starts.

    You must learn not to let them upset you.

    If you are worried about what sort of answers you will receive maybe you need  to stop posting questions, and that would be giving in or be very careful how you word them.

  3. yeah plenty of people do that

    it doesn't really bother me i don't care.  

  4. i like hand sanitizer

  5. that happenes all the time its just ppl messing with you it happens in many forms like ive gotten txts like that i hate them they scare me they r just whacked out ppl so i try and ignore them i think they are trying 2 mess with u so dont worry about it theres tons of other ppl (including me) with the same problem

  6. Yeah, someone told me to "Just shut up..."

    I reported him and his response was deleted. It's against Yahoo's guidelines so don't feel bad about reporting bullies.  

  7. I had one user call me an idiot....

    Just block them if they creep you out!

  8. Several times. Very mean and totally unwarranted. I tend to give BA to those responses to highlight them........

    Before whoever is not too proud of themselves and decides to report my question. Pity.

    Next time will make a copy to keep !

    Maybe you could do the same and send to yahoo......

    Even if you block the person , they can make another account anyway to get back at you.

    Simple : you bookmark the question and log out. You can then view it. Blocked trolls use this alternative.

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