
Has you ever witnessed paranormal phenomenae?

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If so, what do you think it really was, looking back?




  1. I used to want to.  I never did.

    If you are not happy with the answers you read here, search in the archive for such a question.  It gets asked here every day, so you will have plenty of other answers to peruse.

  2. a what?

  3. yes-ghosts--still think they where ghosts

  4. I still can't explain it. Approximately 4 years ago,I was sitting in a recliner watching TV,& my fishbowl with one beta fish started moving towards the edge of the coffee table,right in front of me,& it hit the floor before I was able to drop the footrest & reach it.My husband was in a different room,but heard me yell as it happened.He determined I must have hit the table with the footrest,but that's not what happened.Had it not happened to me,I probably wouldn't believe it either. I still can't explain it....(no earthquakes or tremors on that day)???????

  5. No, but I'd really like to. I have seen a strange thing a time or two and even let myself get spooked. But after investigating I found very natural causes for them all. I would love to witness a "paranormal event" which I can't find any explanation for, but no luck so far. I suspect I never will experience such a happening, but maybe I'm wrong. I remain open to the possibility, as improbable as it may be.

  6. i seen a spirit once looking back i still think it was a spirit .

  7. I grew up experiencing all kinds of eerie things.  Ghosts are very real.  They are from the astral plane.  They are not at rest.  Maybe when they died they had some unfinished business to complete & have come back to try & get it done.  Many people do not believe in the afterlife but there is one. They are as real as you & I.  They exist on another plane  but come into our plane (earthly) then leave again.

  8. No.

    I'm not much of a believer in paranormal phenomena - not only because I've never witnessed any such phenomena myself, but because there's really not much credible scientific evidence to back of any paranormal claims.

  9. yes  manytimes....ive  seen  coins  falling  out  of  my  bedroom  ceiling  a  formof  teleportation,ive  predicted  song after  song on radio  stations in  themiddle  of  the night..i had  a  glimse  of my  own  future  20 years  in  the  future  which  has  proven to be  true..ive been to seances  where  automatic writing  was  done...and ive read an ocean of   material  on the  subject

  10. plenty of times

  11. Yes I have.

    It was an astral travel

  12. ID BE REAL CAREFUL  IF I WERE U LITTLE ONE  the bible does have an answer about paranormal  they are satans fallen angels at work trying to catch folks off guard .  in revelation  it even quotes the doing miracles.. { seemingly to the naked eye that is}

      dont be fooled into thinking you can deal with sopernatural beings without getting caught up in a super natural spiritual warfare .. believe it or not ..  IN CORINTHIANS IT EVEN SAYS THAT SATAN CAN TRANSFOR M HIMSELF INTO A BEING OF LIGHT and its no small wonder  that his dominions or other fallen angels can also take on the form of rightous ministers!!  .

    STAY AWAY FROM SUCH MATTERS .  IF  satan can cause one  third of the angelic host to believe a lie how much simpler to decieve mortals  hmm??  mj

  13. Ummm.  I guess.  Three times in my life, I have found myself missing someone and wanting to talk to them on the phone. When I picked up the phone to dial, they were already there.  This happened twice with my mom and once with an old friend from school.

  14. Looking back it is exactly what it is. Paranormal activity and experiences. What Peter D says is true, this question is asked on here all of the  time, even I have asked this same question as I never tire of hearing about peoples experience. If you open  yourself up to it, more will come. More and more people are coming forward and telling of their experiences.

    I'll tell you a small story. Years ago I took Karate with this girl who told me she was Wiccan and practiced tarot cards. i asked her for a reading (free) and she obliged. I came to her house and immediately got the impression of a ball room. Now this was just an average older 4 bedroom house. I asked her the history of the house and she told me it used to be a small hotel back in the day. LOL. I told her what I felt and she confirmed that the room I was describing as  ball room  was the "dancing room". Later as I sat there and she was reading my cards, she was somewhat new to it so a little on the slow side,  so I found myself staring at myself  in a mirror that was down the hall while she took long pauses in the reading. The tarot continued and during yet another pause I asked her if since the house was so old, had she ever seen any ghosts to which she replied yes. I asked her what they looked like and she replied thoughfully...."y'know, she looks like you".... my response was to look at myself in the mirror down the hall again, and that is when I realized that it was just a plain wooden door. No mirror at all.  Go explain that!

  15. no...never worried about it either

  16. Yes, on more than one occasion.  I still think it was the same thing!  

    This 100 yr. old victorian house my children and I lived in when they were young, the kids had a few friends over and were playing upstairs, (the stairway came up into the middle of a room on the second floor, the landlord had to put a rail on both sides of the stair well) they were jumping across the top of the stair case, my oldest daughter slipped and grabbed a slat from the rail, it came out.  I went to see what they were doing cause I heard the jumping.  When I got there she was sitting on the bottom step with the slat in her hands and mouth wide open and her eyes as big as saucers!  She said something sat her down on that step!  It was like something had reached under her and just eased her down to the bottom step.  All the kids witnessed this and all were spacing out over it!

    Another incident in that same house;  I used a wood heater, one night I was awakened by something shaking my bed to wake me.  And brought my attention to the chimney!  It was beginning to catch on fire!  I was able to turn the damper all the way down and close up the heater to slow the fire in the heater.  The story on that house was there had been a dentist who lived and practiced there, he and his wife loved kids, but had never been able to have any.  When ever there were children living in that house, his spirit was always around to watch over the family!  I had talked to another couple who had moved in after us, they had asked me about strange happenings.  When a friend of theirs had come over to visit, he was being mean to their 3 yr old, things started flying off the book case where no one was close to it, and flew straight at the guy who was being mean.

    I know the mind is pretty powerful, but the fact that this entity woke me up to alert me to danger, was more than the power of any ones mind!  There was definately a spirit in that house!

    Another very old house we lived in;  I swore my teen agers were jumping on the beds! My daughters had the open springs, they make a lot of noise!  I snuck up the stairs to catch them, they were all sound asleep!  No, they were not playing possum!  When it happened again, and all of us were down stairs watching TV!  I knew then what it was!  I'm sure it was the spirits of the couple who had built the house!  They were very nice people too.  The landlady was there daughter!

    I have had several experiences with the spirit world!

  17. Yes i have and i still believe that it was ghosts that i saw.I went into an old haunted house in Plymouth,England where i live and it used to belong to the MOD(Ministry Of Defense)and people who used to go in there had loads of stories to tell.I went in and i thought i could hear noises and see orbs with the naked eye but I'm not psychic so i doubt it was orbs that i saw but it was an old house so it was probably dust that i saw.Where i live now I've had quite a few experiences like when i first moved here i saw the back of a woman go into my bathroom when i was laying in bed(that totally spooked me out).I've heard something big like a wardrobe fall over(it was LOUD) and when we went up to see it what is was.......nothing had fallen over or been moved.My dad was walking down the stairs once and a penny flew over his shoulder and landed in front of him(it literally flew)and another time he thought he saw somebody leaning into his room watching him and he thought it was my brother but when he went into my brothers room he was watching TV.The other day my dad heard somebody come up the stairs breathing heavily and he thought it was me or my brother but no one was there.

    I've had loads more experiences like that in the house I'm living in now and the ones i used to live in.The reason i moved to where i am now was because the house i was living in was haunted by an old lady according to my mum and dad but me and my brother were young than and my mum and dad didn't want to scare us so they just said it was because of the neighbors

  18. Yes, I lived in a house with an upset spirit.  Looking back I know it was an upset spirit.  I was able to deal with it, the only reason I moved (after 5 years) was a disagreement with the landlord over a leaky roof that he wouldn't repair & my stuff was getting damaged.  I have noticed the house has been empty (with a for rent sign in the window) for the last five years.

  19. hey mj,

    youre an idiot who is interpreting those passages all wrong. they are talking about temptations, not paranormal phenomena.

  20. Yep.  And I know what it was, and what it is, and what it probably will be long after I've passed on.

    Blessed be

  21. A friend witnessed the black dog phenomenon in where a black skankly looking dog walks up to you in the middle of the road in a friendlymanner with glowing eyes it means death is near and my friend sees it every night he goes out..

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