Okay this all started about three weeks ago, both my 2 1/2 year old daughter and my 15 month old son both were diagnosed with strep throat. Antibiotics prescribed and given correctly, both retested negative. Four days after treatment my son had a fever of 103 - took him back to dr no strep, everything "looked good" but with such a high fever for no reason, the dr gave him another antibiotic.... Now a week after my sons fever now my daughter is with a high fever as well (102). She is also very tired looking BUT she has repeatedly told me when asked that she feels good.. nothing hurts. She did say twice that her throat was bothering her but it did not persist and she still eats and drinks fine. I called the dr and because the dr is now out of town, they instructed me to keep her hydrated and comforable and if anything should change/get worse then take her to the hospital........
The reason my opening question was about mono is because the dr had asked if they were exposed to mono... I have read quite a bit about it and the symptoms fit BUT I just wanna know if there is anyone who has a child this young, that has had mono, AND what did your dr do for treatment, and what were your childs symptoms, and will they test for it in office and i'll find out definitively?
I will be taking her to the dr on monday (when her dr returns) if symptoms persist, and of coarse if she gets worse i will take her to the ER as I was told.