
Has your cat ever got something on them that they couldn't get off so they chewed the fur off??

by  |  earlier

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I woke up and my cat had some grey looking stuff on her leg that I washed off and all the hair was gone?? now it's swollen. like in an ovel shape




  1. Yeah, I've seen that happen before. You could always try an alcohol swab or peroxide if the site looks swollen and then just keep an eye on it.


    And it could be ringworm if the site seems kind of dry and flakey. But if it's red and raw it's most likely just irritated.

  2. i say take ur cat the to vet as soon as you can! it may have been that he or she got into something they shouldnt have. (as most cats do) but he or she may have had an allergic reaction to it... i wouldnt take my chances with waiting as if it was allergic to whatever that was. it could get worse

  3. Yes my cat got tar and mud on her hair and she ripped it off!!!!  It was sad.  

  4. My dog gets sap on it's paws and almost chews his pads off.  sorta like us when we step something we shouldn't have, but we got hands..

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