
Has your cat ever woken you up by purring?

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Last night I was having a dream and in the dream I was waiting to be served by a customer service agent in a place like a railway travel office. I got to the front of my queue but there were two queues and only one agent. The agent turned to me and said, "Excuse me sir, I must serve this other customer first because he was here before you."

I replied, "Fine! That's OK."

She asked the other customer what information he required but instead of answering in English, he purred!

At that point I woke up to find one of my cats purring into my ear very loudly.

Anyone had a similar experience with their cat?




  1. Similar except for the dream part!  I often go to bed before my husband and the cats still have the free run of the house including our room.  we have three cats, a one year old girl Wanda and two kittens of 10 weeks, Lilo and Stitch. Wanda has woken me up a couple of times sitting on my shoulder and purring in my face and two nights ago Lilo sat on my chest and purred in my face until i fussed her!  Cute but annoying when you've only been asleep for an hour!

  2. Yeah, our cats used to wake up up in the morning by jumping on us, purring, and rubbing our faces.  We dont let them in anymore so now they sit outside the door and scratch and bang on the door meowing.

  3. Yes - last week I woke up thinking that someone was running a diesel engine outside my window.  I was quite scared as I live in a rural area so no-one would have any business driving up to my house in the middle of the night.  It turned out to be my cat purring !

  4. No my cat hasnt but a friends has.  He was telling me yesterday that his cat woke him at 4 am so he went downstairs to let him out.  This friend is very schemish and silly things would make him actually throw up.  He went into his kitchen and stood on a slug he began to wrench and hopped the whole way back up stairs wrenching and went into the bathroom still wrenching he proceeded to wake his wife and children with the noise.  Eventually he got back to sleep and the next morning at breakfast time his wife asked what happened.  He told her the story and he asked if she had cleaned it of the floor.  She said where is it and he proceeded to wrench again and he replied Are you blind it is beside your foot.  When she looked down beside her foot she began laughing and told him he had real mental issues and needed help as it was only a blackberry.

  5. My kitten wakes me up every morning by jumping on me and purring! Its like hes saying "thats enough sleep, wake up and play with me"!! Its so funny!

  6. na

  7. <- that is the face I wake up to every morning.  He gets right in my face and purrs.  

  8. Our cat wakes us up at weekends, we feed her at about 7am through the week when we go to the weekends when we have a lye in she comes and stands on me (because she knows I'm the soft one) with her paws on my shoulders, purring right in my face, and sometimes she bats my nose with her paw.

    I don't have the heart to send her away because she is sooooo cute. I have to get up and feed her, then she comes back later on and curls up with us for a nice nap!

  9. my cat is weird she's woken me up like that a lot of times and then one time she was l*****g my ear eww lol

  10. my cat wakes me up by like pawing my face, pulling the sheets off me, l*****g me, grooming me, meowing in my ears, rubbing its face in mine, its pretty cool and cute and like,.. amazing that they are that smart.  

  11. If they didn't I'll be shocked!

    My kitties love to purr and knead, and when they get on top of me and do that routine, I'm not asleep for long (especially with those claws!).

    Usually I'm awaken when big boy decides to be a cannonball to get me to take him outside or eat. 15lbs of muscle and fur that thinks the stomach is a trampoline -- but he's the biggest scarty cat I'm ever known (he was poisoned as a kitten and nearly died, and has been extra fearful from the experience. No one thought he'd survive, but he beat the odds, and now our biggest boy with the softest Russian Blue fur. Looks like a gray teddy bear. He's mom's sweatheart. We don't think he's a cat but call him a dog-kitty, since he woke up mom to tell her that something was burning in the oven. Put the paw to the face and kept batting her to wake up, and meowed until mom notice something not right. Now he just lays there watching her like a hawk -- a watch dog kitty. Pure love).

  12. Not so much with the dream, but several of our cats like to snuggle close and purr like a motorboat. They're always waking us up. One in particular likes to nip at my wife's face to wake her, something she only finds amusing several hours later.

  13. yes except my cat (Luna) was on my head. I thought I had some type of mutant illness thing. Then I realized and just about died laughing.

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