
Has your child ever had a teacher that was really rotten?

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My oldest daughter is in the 1st grade this year. Her kindergarten teacher was great...communicated and really made things motivating and fun for the kids and their parents. My daughter received excellent marks and comments. Everything was great! When my daughter started the first grade, at the same school, when I met this teacher at orientation I could sense that this teacher wasn't going to be like the previous. After about a month of school, my husband and I called a conference with the teacher and the principal about our daughter not being motivated with school and everytime we'd ask her about what she learned that day, she never said much. After that, the teacher regularly sent home in the daily reports of Amanda not staying on task and not completing her work on time.

Well, we moved from the city to the country about 3 weeks ago. The school has changed, of course. I gave this teacher a heads-up about what the previous teacher had said.




  1. Yep have one right now,  it is no fun at all.  fouth grade teacher who is just awful.

  2. I can relate to your problem.  We've had rotten teacher experiences.  Once a teacher told me "I've been a teacher longer than you've been a mother -- I know what I'm doing!".

    Chances are they've had plenty of complaints about this teacher and they choose not to do anything about it.  

    I think I'd write to the school board instead of the school.  Tell them that your concerns went unanswered and that you've seen positive changes since you moved to a new school.  Be sure to let them know that you are concerned for other students and that your motive is not a personal conflict with this teacher.

    I'm glad you were able to change schools - we were stuck in a small town with our problem teacher and had to tough it out.

  3. I dont have any kids, but I know as a kid I had some really rotten teachers. specifically my 5th grade teacher. she was just generally mean to certain kids. it was horrible. I think a lot of schools have teachers like this and its not okay. but I dont think principals pay much attention to what goes on in the classrooms in their schools and thats half the problem. I think they should have some type of undercover checks or something. like a TA thats in the class for a week or two per class to write down what they see. I dont know if thats even possible, but they do definitely need to pay more attention.

    my friend had this same situation with her son. he was really bad in 1st grade and acting out and in kindergarden and at daycare everyone said GREAT things about him. turned out that his teacher was really mean to him and a few other selected kids in the class, so he was acting out. Im guessing it was his way of trying to tell people that this teacher was so mean to him. she would tell him he was a bad kid and things like that no one loved him and that he was the worst kid in the class and that his work wasnt good enough. wtf???

    I definitely think you should raise a fuss with the old school about it because she probably is treating other students the same way and those parents may not know anything about it. I would definitely have another talk with that principal and have your current good teacher write a letter about how well behaved the child is or something. something to show that its rather odd that only 3 weeks later she's perfect in the classroom.

  4. Being a teacher I agree you should contact someone. Maybe (like others have said) it was just a clashing of personalities, which happens very often. Maybe email the principal and be honest (don't bash the teacher). Tell the principal everything you said on here. Before the principal contact the teacher. It is important for the teacher to know this so that the teacher can grow him or herself. If it was me I would have wanted to know what the parents thought so that I could change what I was doing. If the teacher seems put off or angry then you should contact the principal. Save any emails so you can show documentation that you already discussed this with the teacher.

    Good luck.

  5. Ignore the teacher's complaint.  You can notify someone at the school, but quite frankly, it won't do any good.  Schools turn a deaf ear to such issues.

    So glad your daughter is in a better situation now.  Be well.

  6. Absolutely, its an example of how not all personalities mesh well even in this environment when the adults should be subjective. Unless its a huge strain on the child I think its important for them to learn how to deal with different people and learn to adapt and compromise. But I'm sure the new teacher will evaluate your daughter herself before assuming the other teacher was on target.

  7. who hasnt had a horrible teacher that hasnt inspired us?! it sounds like she's in the wrong job, he job isnt just to teach like a robot, but to inspire a child to want to learn, she should of been investigating why she wasnt  staying on task etc. i'd give the story to the previous school just to make them aware of possible problems, the first few years of school are really important and children need to be happy at school.

  8. absolutely tell the principal - sounds like she is not suited for early elementary, probably better for 4th or 5th grade when the kids dont need as warm and nuturing a teacher.  First grade is critical and the teachers personality plays a HUGE role in that. the school needs to be brought on board.

    i would ask your daughter to make some comparisons.  what she loved and would have changed about her kinderg. teacher, her first grade teach and now her new teacher.  it will give you some points to cover with the principal.

    my son for example, was so happy one day when they had a substitute because she smiled so much!!!  a first grader shouldnt have ateacher that never smiles?!?!?!

    good luck and glad she is back on track with school

  9. Dont worry about it at all! Every school has rotten teachers. Mine does and I really wish they would vanish. But you have some mean, some nice. Just make sure your daughter seems happy at home. Dont worry about the school thing though. Happens all the time!

  10. Children that have a bad year in school often take several years after to recover from the damage.  So I would definitely tell the previous administration.  If enough people compain something will be done.

  11. Every kid has a teacher they don't like or don't relate to. Of course she's not going to like school if she doesn't like the teacher. So you think schools should hire and fire teachers according to which ones your daughter likes best? I agree with backhome22. You're just angry that your kid wasn't doing as well as you'd like her to and you want to blame the teacher. The world doesn't revolve around your kid and the teacher did nothing wrong. You said yourself she didn't like going so I'll bet she wasn't motivated and didn't do as good as she should have. It's not the teacher's fault and it's just too bad if your daughter doesn't like her. Learn to deal with the fact that not everyone will think your child is flawless. That's the real world.

  12. Life can be difficult.  You need to teach your child to perform and stay on task regardless.  She has a long road ahead before she reaches 12 grade.  When you talk about this teacher, your child will be listening and soon she will learn to use the teacher for an excuse for her lack performance.

  13. No two teachers are alike.  It could have been that the teacher at the other school had a different style of teaching.   Your daughter might have reacted differently to her methods of discipline and teaching.  

    It doesn't make her a rotten teacher, unless she did something cruel.

    I would not call the previous school.   It just sounds like your daughter and the teacher didn't click.    It's OK.

    As adults, don't we have people we really dislike; yet, others around us absolutely love!

    Everyone reacts differently.  Plus, your child is in a new school.  She might be testing the waters before she gets back into her old behaviors.

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