My two year old does this sometimes. He will do something that he knows he shouldn't be. I ask him to stop and he obeys, but cries at the same time. Or when I tell him that he has earned a some time in the corner he will listen and go stand there but he will scream and be upset. I guess it's normal (I mean he *is* only two and I'm telling him to do something he really doesn't want to do), but do you experience this with your kids as well? What do you do when your kids do that?
Also, how do you get your toddler in a structured daily routine when he doesn't show any interest in one? I've tried for months to get my two year old to sit down and color with me, or read a book, or do something fun together and he doesn't show an interest in it. Even when I play cars or farm animals with him, he's always interested in doing something else within 5 minutes. He can't even sit through me reading a short book to him without jumping out of my lap to go play with his match box cars! :) Any suggestions there?