
Has your conversation EVER been interrupted by whiffs of FOOT ODOR coming from the other person?

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Has your conversation EVER been interrupted by whiffs of FOOT ODOR coming from the other person?




  1. Personally no, but this made me laugh thinking about an embarassing moment of my moms.

    Apparently she was at work and they were having a meeting. She discreetly kicks off her shoes, at least she thinks so. All of a sudden one of the guys said "I smell pizza" anorther guy chims in "I dunno what kind of pizza you've been eating" and so my mom slips her shoes back on.

    It made me laugh, and now and then when I smell something gross I ask "does anyone smell pizza" and mum relives the embarassment all over again.

  2. Yes, but it wasn't the person I was conversing with.  I work with local Iraqi men and some have the most rank scent I have ever smelt.  Mid conversation he decided to take his shoe off which resulted in my almost vomiting, all windows rolled down, air freshener was dispensed. Awful!!!

  3. Yeah, no one ever talks when there is FOOT ODOR

  4. haha.. yep especially in the summer when they wear sandals .. but normally from strangers rather than my own friends

    the smells that occur when trying to have a conversation are normally a cross between foot odur, bad breath and on occasion i can smell the other persons A rse .

    now i think the A rse smelling is wore than feet as its a eclectic mix of urine, f**t, poo and sweat, digesting!!

    when i was on the bus yesterday some guy sat next to me and i wanted to puke  .. i could smell his a rse! oh man i think his scared me a little

  5. Oh god yes... Sickening  

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