
Has your doctor ever violated you in anyway

by  |  earlier

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If so how and how did u respond




  1. I think this might have been an xray tech and not a doctor but he had on a white coat. I was a small child and had to drink barium stuff for a chest xray and was in a very dark closet, so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I was sitting on the xray tech's lap in the dark and I was holding the cup of stuff I was supposed to drink.

    Then the tech started squeezing me in a bear hug that was so tight that I thought he was going to kill me. When I could breathe in, I started screaming.

    My mother burst into the "closet" just as I threw the barium stuff all over the tech (and me) and the tech was pushing me away, off his lap as my Mother came in.

    I know now the tech was abusing me but at the time I thought he was trying to kill me and I knew my Mother would not get mad at me for fighting back.

  2. there is a difference from FEELING violated and ACTUALLY being violated. If you go into a doctor offiice having a physical and him checking you over then its his job.  

  3. Every time I get the bill

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