
Has your ex ever stalked you??

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Has your ex ever stalked you??




  1. Yes and I don't wished that upon anyone!!

  2. yes he has, and he would also have the neighbors in my apartment spy on me and they would tell him what time I got home and if anyone was coming over to my apartment.

  3. Yes, and it is some other poor girl's problem now.  Talk about creepy!!!

  4. No, thank goodness, my ex's were all scum and I am glad that I have absolutely no clue where they are or how they are doing.

  5. yes, not very fun

  6. Yeah... "love" turned into obsession. Try to ignore it and eventually it will hopefully stop. Don't respond to texts and if you're seeing them a lot don't look their way.

  7. Yes ... usually, the bigger deal you make out of it, the bigger the deal it actually becomes.

    Instead, take the attitude of "eh, you again ... stop stalking me, it's lame", it will remove the "mystery" out of it and they will soon stop stalking.

  8. yes,it is not very fun

  9. No not me.

  10. no but he has threatened to kill me

  11. Yeah and saw me on a date with another man so he broke every window of my car.  Even the side mirrors!  

  12. If it gets really bad get a restraining order.....that is what I had to is kind of scary...If there was violence involved it is even if it does not stop document everything and get a restraining order

  13. He didn't deserve it.  Do you?

  14. Yes I have been stalked from 1999 to 2007 and its the pits. It makes you feel as though you have no control in your life due to it. But in all actuality you do.

  15. I had one ex that stalked me for a while...and he said I was crazy!!  Lmbo  Pot calling the kettle black, I know!  He'd drive by my house and even sit in the drive across from my house late at night, before hubby got home.  I eventually moved out of town, and he lost me for a while, but as soon as we moved back into town, he started it up again.  By this time, I'd been married for 7 years.  Now, I'm back in another state, and I haven't seen him in several years.  Again, he called ME crazy!  Lmbo  

    God bless you and yours...Always!

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