
Has your experience on YA altered your outlook on life in any way?

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I think it has mine.

I used to be a grumpy, slightly bigoted old man, now I'm just an old man, though I still have my moments, lol.

Hearing oppinions, advice & humour from peeps arond the planet has certainly rekindled my hope for mankind.

Before I came on here I didn't realise there were so many helpful, caring peeps around, bit of a social sceptic.

Mind you there are still some trolls out there.

What exactly is a troll in YA parlance? Bit of a jerk I guess.




  1. From being on Yahoo!ANSWERS for over a year, my outlook has completely changed on people. For the most part, I've come to realize that most people are selfish, conceited, narcissistic, ignorant, and irrational. Many of us care too deeply about what another individual does with their life and believe that what we think as a person, is what everyone else should live by as their "code of conduct".

    I've come to realize that it's pointless to involve myself in other people's beliefs and press what I think is right or wrong on other people.

    I've come to realize that each and every other human being lives their life the way they want and essentially, they're all right in doing so, because what's right for me.. isn't right for everyone else.

    I've loosened up a lot and deepened my distaste for the human race.

  2. I can't say its altered my outlook, but my own observations on YA reaffirms my optomism about people being basically good and caring, and wanting to help others.

    Even the trolls, they're wanting attention and hey, they get it in YA.

    Its great that people have a place to turn to just to ask and get help, and to read all sorts of info that come with asking a question.

  3. Lol erm yeah a lot i think it's because there are many people who are very kind as to share their opions and beliefs with you whilst their are an exception of some being.... well not so nice LOl  It's helped me learn a lot which i didn't know before and also get a deeper insight into others beliefs, which i foundvery interesting.

  4. i found out a lot of users don't have a sense of humour

  5. My outlook on life hasn't changed. I am still the same person I was when I first found this Answers site.

    There is always hope and often laughter. That is how I try to live my life.

    As for trolls: we all get our fair share. Live and let live; take the violation notices like a grown up and move on.

    Why get sucked into conversation on a question?

    Just go with the flow and thank heaven for your contacts. They will keep you 'grounded'.

    Blessed be my friend.X

  6. i saw the light in 2002

    but drifted for a while until i found yahoo answers

    where i met my angel

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