
Has your kid ever made up excuses cuz he/she doesnt want to go to school?

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My daughter is in first grade and misses me,(her mommy) and tells me she has a tummy ache,and I don't know if it is cuz she doesn't want to go or not(to school).But it is always the day of,or the day before school.I have sent her to the counsler and he seems nice but didnt do much.Talked to the teacher and she's like " oh, Asia,I miss my mommy too".So anyway that didn't do much eather.So I don't know.Has anybody else went through this?It's hard on me too,but she has to go to school.




  1. I think every single kid has done this.  It's just a part of being a parent.

  2. I did that all the time! But when I actually had a sickness my parents wouldn't believe it! What my mother did (and still does) is look me straight in eye and say "Does your tummy really hurt?" or "If I find out you are lying I am going to take away (insert child's favorite toy here)" or even some religous thing like "God knows when you are lying" if you are into stuff like that. It makes the child feel guilty and tell the truth. Good Luck!

  3. it is a normal thing for children to go through seperation anxiety.  my children have tried them all like im sick and they cancelled school.  unfortuately they forgot i work at the school so that one didnt work.  

    if her stomache keeps "hurting" take her to the doctor.  i had an ulser when i was 8 years old and we didnt know it .  i kept having stomache aches but every one thought i was faking.  but my mother finally took me to the doctor and i had an ulser.  so dont completely ignore you doughters complaints.  take her to the doctor.  if he finds nothing then you tell your daughter that.

  4. heres my advice ta;k 2 the teacher and ask if anything has happened in school and theres a reason 4 her not goin 2 school other then she misses u or 4 1 day stay in the classroom with her 2 c what happens

  5. oh yes. it is definatly part of being a kid. take her to the doctor next time and make sure there is nothing wrong but she is being a kid. maybe give her a little reward each week she dosent try to stay home.

  6. No, but they know that the only reason I allow them to stay home from school for is a fever.....and you can't fake a fever.

    If she has a "tummy ache" it could be anxiety about going but letting her stay home would make it worse when she finally does go back.  I remember butterflies every Monday going back after the weekend and it was 10X worse after winter & spring break.  It wasn't that I was going to miss my mother...I was afraid none of my friends would like me anymore after not seeing me for 2 days.  If that could be the problem, maybe you could arrange for her to play with her friends on weekends so she knows going back that she has friends.

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