
Has your life gotten simpler or more complex since you started using the Internet?

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Has your life gotten simpler or more complex since you started using the Internet?




  1. I would say that it depends. It depends on what aspects you are talking about. Some things such as expanding your knowledge, and keeping up with the world around you, are making life simpler. In others, no. People are becoming more dependable in the internet, making it almost impossible to go a day without it, not just individual people but major companies and entities. A lot of people are loosing the ability of communicating with others since an email or facebook, makes sending a message without actually facing that individual. The internet is not that its something bad, but it's allowing us to loose some of our values as people.  

  2. Some of both.  Of course now I have one more thing to break down and more junk mail to dispose of (with a click or two), but now I seldom have to open a telephone directory or make a series of frustrating telephone calls to find a piece of information--or trudge through one store after another to find something I need..

  3.   A  lot  simpler  and  got  a  little  smarter....

  4. Simpler, I can get more work done. It is addicting though.

  5. More complex, but it's totally unrelated to the internet.  Life gets more complex as you get older.  The fact that I'm also on the internet really doesn't mean much.

  6. Complex, but better, much better.

  7. Sometimes it has gotten complex and other times it is simpler. I have two e-mail accounts that is when it is a little complicated. But when I don't know something that is when I go to the internet and look it up and it is really nice.  

  8. Complex, but the added opportunities are worth it.

  9. I think its simpler.  Instead of having to run around to the store, the library, blockbuster, the post office, watch tv for the news, find a paper and read it, turn on the radio for traffic or weather....    All I have to do is turn on my computer.  I can learn about anything and everything, order anything, do all my bills on the net.

    Instead of filling out a bunch of invites for my event, I make one up and email it to the people on my list.  Same thing with any kind of information that needs to be given to a group of people.

    I can have seperate conversations with multiple people unlike the phone.

    Of course, I grew up with the net, so I am sitting here thinking of all the things that would require a lot more time money and effort if I didnt have it.  

  10. More complex...

    I am constantly distracted from what I am supposed to be doing!

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