
Has your life turned out the way you wanted it to ? if not why not ? and what will you do to make it better ?

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Karen have you tried to sell your part of the business to anybody else ? He will always have some control over you if you don't.




  1. Well its hard to answer this question.. My life may not turned out the way i wanted it to be, but maybe it would be later...

    I mean everyone in this world, faces ups and downs.. You face things you like and things you dislike..Also for me, iam still young and still trying to set my goals and achieve them, so i cant really say things are good now or not.. BUT i think in the end of your life, when you are trying to evaluate what happened to you through it. You will just accept what happened whether its good or bad cause you cant change it now and it became you !

    So to make things better, just do your best in every move as much as you can.. No one ever did his best and regret it !

  2. I am only 16 yrs old, when i am 40 i will come back and answer this question to tell you properly. For now though i would say it hasn't turned out the way i had thought it would, i never expected to become a person i always promised i would never be

  3. It's not exactly turned out how I dreamed it would. I don't really know what I could do to make it better but with regards to changing things I probably wouldn't go back and change anything. I'd just have been more appreciative of things at the time.

  4. In an answer NO. I was married to an idiot for 20 years. Finally plucked up the courage to leave and start again, divorced him but we own a business together, he wont buy me out and I cant buy him out because I know he will start up in competition and ruin me. He steels from the company by doing jobs for people and putting the money in his back pocket. I hate him so much and if I could find a way of getting him out I would. In my next life I hope I learn from this one.

  5. This appears to be a pretty regular type of question, but how often do you actually ask this to yourself, and how often you seek to think though things and come up with some practical understanding of things that make up your life, an understanding that would make your life a better life indeed.

    One may ask himself this question as many times as one may, but the answer, I think, will always be a negative, this is say that life never turns out to be the way one had hoped, expect or planned it to be, does not matter how hard one may try. It is as though life has plans of its own, that it an intelligent things with a mind of its own, then this is our objective to know that mind and then seek ways to harmonise our efforts with its natural working and therefore to improve on it the way one can do the best. It is like all soils that make up any landscape has a potential and strength for growth, but it takes the mind of the gardener, with all its understanding of the work of a cultivator and landscape reformer, to turn and featureless patch into a fully fledged garden, to bring out the hidden potential and awaken the idles strengths of nature for his intended purpose.

    This is also possible that a life turned out to be better than one had ever hoped or expected it to be, then it is jus the matter of becoming aware of that luck, as many good things go to waste due to ignorance and sue to lack appreciation. One must know what good fortune has come one’s way, especially when it has to come by in earnest.

    Now, to be aware is to be able to see things better, not only from one perspective, but through as many different ways as one could purposefully afford. I could for instance find myself either complaining, that my life has turned out to be the way I expected it to be, or I might find myself grateful, that all has been so good for me, I am lucky person.

    We can use of imagination and see life as an entity beside us, something that we have, a gift, a responsibility, or a charge that we have been bestowed upon. I can imagine my life to be a form of natural intelligence, and my living a way to be at least as intelligent as the natural capacity of my life, a way of experience in living to be true, happy and adequately successful.

    But the intelligence that I regard my life to be is a steady form of intelligence, constant and consistent, but the acquired intelligence of my conscious mind is unsteady as it needs to be cultivated first, nurtured and grown to maturity. I think if I regard my life as what I have, and not necessarily what I am then it would be easier for me to see things more objectively, to realise natural strengths and hidden potentials, and thereupon feel responsible for their utility and proper realisation.

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