
Has your loving cat suddenly changed and attacked you without warning?

by  |  earlier

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I have a cat that has been pretty much my best friend for like 4 years...we are never apart. he follows me, i feed him treats from my hand, we cuddle and sleep together every night...

well, the other night, I went to lay beside him and he run up to me and started to meow (in a mean way) .. at first i thought he was just sleeping and i scared him so he was just using self defense. Then he did it again twice tonight...

It's really worrying me...Do you think its my fault?




  1. my cat did that, one day we were having a cuddle and he fliped out and clawed my face.. cats are moody, well mine is!!

    he will be loving again

  2. .....the cat i used to have would run into my bedroom at night and jump on my face (claws and everything)...had to start sleeping under the covers...or sometimes when i pick up my cat when he's sleeping he'll growl and hes swatted at me once, but thats it. Maybe your cat is just cranky

  3. maybe its your fault because you spoiled him...


    maybe its not your fault because no matter how tamed your pet is, your pet's true attitude can come out without you knowing...  

  4. My cat attacks occasionally (not as much as she used to, she's 11 now). There could be a few reasons. Some cats don't like being disturbed when sleeping, ours too sleeps on the bed, and will often hiss if we move around too much while getting into bed, or in our sleep. Were you petting her at the time? some cats have very sensitive skin, and can become over stimulated during petting - stroking only a little on the back and focusing on the head (behind ears, under chin) can help combat this. Is he neutered - there may be a female in season in your area, female cats 'call' when they come into season, and can be heard over quite a large range, maybe he can hear it, even if you can't. Maybe if you'd been playing with him earlier, he was still in that mode - remember, what we call playing with our cats is actually them utilising hunting skills, and he may have become over stimulated in that area.  

  5. Sometimes kittens were mistreated in their past which causes them to have an uneasiness around humans. While some will act fearful and hide, others will lash out with aggressive actions. If your cat is the latter, you must deal with them by not acting fearful yourself. Stand up to them and HISS loudly, or use a can of compressed air to put an aggressive cat in his place.

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