
Has your pet ever tried to escape from the bath?

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and what happened




  1. *LMAO* This is going to bring  a lot of funny stories. Thank you for the question.

    I have had some that hated the water and some that have liked it. But no pet or child as we call her now, has ever loved bathes and showers more than our little evil furball named "Joy" She is a Seal Point Siamese, cute little furball but pure evil too. Of course thats another story. She loves the water, loves bathes the most because she gets to get wet and we pet her at the same time. She likes to try and drink from the shower head too, but it tickles her and then she gets pissed off at it and starts growling and doing her little devil walk.

  2. not my own - they've all been acclimated to baths from the time i got them. my dog would even jump in the tub if i pointed to it and snapped my fingers. granted, she didn't look very happy, but she did it regardless. :-)

    HOWEVER, i think i have had enough pet-bath disasters to last me a lifetime. the worst one was at work. our shelter does a fundraiser every summer (one each month June-Aug) where we'll give your pet a flea bath for $5. most of the animals are pretty good about it, and most of us have had enough experience to be able to get it done quickly and escape *fairly* unharmed.

    we knew we were in trouble the one day a man pushed a washing machine box through our front doors. he said he had a cat that needed a bath badly. we could hear it screeching and growling in there from the next room, and judging by the sounds, we were pretty sure he must have had a mountain lion in there. we pulled it back into our room & it turned out to be a very large, very upset, very filthy, white long haired cat. this boy weighed close to 30# and he was PISSED. we managed to get him out of the box and into the cat bag. (it is a mesh bag we put cats in so they can't fight as well. keeps them and us safe during baths.) he quieted down a bit, but as soon as his body touched water, he clawed his way out of the tub, out of the bag and wrapped himself around my leg, proceeding to gnaw on it. did i mention he had all his claws? i know this because all 400 of them were imbedded in my leg as well, from my foot (thru my shoes) all the way up to where his teeth had sunk into my upper thigh. he was apparently a long kitty too, and he had very large teeth.

    i think i screeched as loud as he had been doing in the box. once i got loose from this demon from h**l, he ran right back into the box and got pushed back out into the lobby. we refunded the owner his money and suggested he get his vet to sedate the cat for a proper bath (perhaps with a tranquilizer gun from afar??). the owner was a little upset we wouldn't do it, but when i showed him the blood running down my leg & soaking thru my jeans, he didn't argue.

    i'm just glad i didn't wear shorts that day. yikes. i still have scars from that beast and it's been over ten years.

  3. yes omg! my chihuahua is terrified of water. i took her a bath and usually when i take her baths ill change into old clothes such as shorts and a shirt. well anyway i was pouring water on her and she was running away from me in the bath tub she went all the way to the corner so the water won't hit her. lol well i tried to get her so i was getting irritated so i started yelling at her to get her butt over here but she was way in the back of the tub. my only option was to get in and go get her myself. well i went in and she ran to the other side of the bath tub i stepped on the shampoo bottle and shampoo squirted out mad crazy my dog almost got a heart attack lol she ran out of the bathtub and squeezed out through the small crack on the door i ran after her and i slipped on the shampoo and fell back my legs flew up and fell down and hit the bottom where the water falls and ouch! i got soo mad haha i got a bump on my head it was pretty bad i ran out and looked for the dog she was under my bed deep inside haha and would not come out i went to the doctor to get the bump checked out he said it should be fine to just put a bag of ice and it would be gone. ughhhh dumb dog lol now i have to put her on a leash.

  4. yes. my dog doesnt like the water

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