
Has your son/brother ever been fat?

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has your son/brother any age upto 16 ever been fat, when i say fat i mean has he ever had any noticable fat on his belly and did he gain it and keep it, have it and lose it, or gain it then lose it please say there AGE, thanks.

my son who is 8 isnt anywhere near fat but does have a little bit of fat on his belly which i think is cute but as he get older he may be conscious about it, just wondering what age it happened for you? thanks




  1. my brother is going on 9 and he was like stick skinny till around 6ish. his parents got divorced so idk maybe that contributed to it. but yeahh help him lose it cuz i think my bro is self conciouss .

  2. My son has growth spruts starting at age 4, he would start to get a belly then all at once it seems like he would grow an inch or two then lose it.  Then it would start again.  He is now 9 and still has this problem.

  3. I have two brothers: one who is 18 and one who is 6 (same parents and everything). Both of them are EXTREMELY skinny... I mean both of them have six packs and have to monitor their weight.

  4. Yes, mam I had both my brothers/sons fat [as you are explaining], my son was 9 yrs.old, but mam, you know your little one is active, so as he grows older the fat may very well turn into muscle, my son asked if I would get him into the YMCA for swimming, and weights, so I did, and it left, he just needed to burn off some of the calories, he had stored up, your little one will be the same, he's quite active, and he'll burn off the calories as well; does he like to swim? That is an easy way to burn calories, and have fun too!,as far as my brothersthey are older than me now, and have lost all their baby fat also, your little only has baby fat, my sons' name is Timothy.Tim is now 6'3" and some fat/ but mostly muscle he's now 24 yrs.old.

  5. Yes, my brother and he is 12 and gained and still has it.

  6. My brothers have always been walking toothpicks, and they eat a lot! Everyone in my family including me have fast metabolisms!

  7. my bro is 13 and has a jiggle belly. he gains it in the winter and loses like 2 pounds in the summer. if hes 8 its probaly just left over baby fat. If you realy feel its needed watch what he eats. dont tell hiim cause then he'll think u think hes fat, witch hes not.

  8. My brother was always a big kid, when he was 6 he started looking kinda pudgy. At first he had kind of a teeny potbelly but it got bigger and bigger and now at 12 he's a 'fat kid'. I know he feels really embarrassed about it, he hates taking his shirt off to swim because of it. I think he really gained weight at maybe 8 or 9.

  9. My brother used to be a really skinny kid but in the past couple years he's gained a lot.  He's 10 years old and weighs as much as me lol.  But he's a BIG kid, like he's really tall and just bigger built.  He has that gut and all the rolls when he sits down but just lately he's been getting taller and that evens him out a bit.  It might just be a growing phase, or he might just be a chunker.  Talk to your son's doctor about it and ask what he thinks you should do. Good luck! =]

  10. Both my brother and I were overweight at a point. Me, when I was 12-13 & my brother when he was 15-16. We both lost fat and kept it off. We're healthier now and I can't believe at the china buffet we ate 5-6 plates. I know amazing lol. Now we only eat 1-2.

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