
Has your taste in food changed over the years?

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Has your taste in food changed over the years?




  1. Not really....I'll try most things once & was cured of any hangups regarding food in my Air Force days !

  2. Yes , Kate. Sadly it has. But I was fortunately born with more than enough taste buds plus great smelling capacity.

    Also with the govt. reduction of standards in meats it makes it difficult to ascertain if its your taste buds or lower quality.

    For instance , pizza 40 yrs. ago tastes so good but today they have changed it by indoctrination to taste good. It is not. Also most people in America don't know what a real tomato taste like.They are so use to cardboard taste that we think it taste wonderful.

    Enough said , thank you for a good question!

  3. OH yea!  I eat a lot healthier then before!

  4. Not that much, but I go through phases where I like things and then I don't.except for chilli food.

    I could never eat hot food and I still can't.

  5. Yes.  I think that your taste buds get desensitized.  I remember when I was young I couldn't stand swiss cheese because of it's strong taste.  Other strong foods were the same.  Now I like everything.

  6. Yes, definitely.

    When I was little, I ate all the same thing like mac and cheese, grilled cheese and zuccini bread..xD

    Now I can't stand zuccini bread because I ate it so much when I was little. And also now I eat a much more variety of foods and they're a lot more healthy.

  7. ya i eat 6abeekh now

  8. Why are you copying weby??

    Nope, my taste has not changed at all

  9. ehh yeah a  bit i guess

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